A Conversation for The Alternative Writing Workshop

A2145025 - Weapons Of Mass Destruction

Post 1


Entry: Weapons Of Mass Destruction - A2145025
Author: LigLuryJr - U543062

I'm not sure that I agree that this isn't appropriate for Peer Review, but I guess it doesn't matter. Let me know what you think.

A2145025 - Weapons Of Mass Destruction

Post 2


Good entry, but I agree that it's better suited here in the AWW rather than in peer review. I think that has more to do with the slightly restrictive criteria of the Edited Guide than the quality of your entry. Also, it has little to do with actual WMD's.

All that said, I liked it, it made me chuckle.

The pain of being kicked in the groin hurts so bad that seeing an actor being kicked in the groin in a movie has been known to cause the entire male part of the audience groan in actual pain. That's pain for ya!

smiley - aliensmile

A2145025 - Weapons Of Mass Destruction

Post 3


Thanks for your compliment! I think I'll work your point about movie actors into the entry (don't worry I'll footnote your name!).

Thanks again,

A2145025 - Weapons Of Mass Destruction

Post 4


Glad to be actually helpful.

smiley - aliensmile

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