A Conversation for Don't Panic

Unwanted discussion

Post 21

Mathias Uncertain

What ARE you lot talking about?

If you want to discuss rhinos (and please do) I have submitted an entry to the editors for rejection which is largely similar to my "unwanted" discussion on the subject. So far as I am aware, those same editors have not seen fit to either accept or reject said entry and it now lingers dejectedly in cyber-limbo somewhere. If you would be kind enough to campaign for its release, I and my rhino friends would be most grateful.

Alternatively, you too could clone the rhino piece and set up your own "unwanted" rhino discussion on your personal h2g2 page. Think what fun that would be!

I never thought free speech could be so problematical.


Unwanted discussion

Post 22



*tear rolls down one cheek*

You don't like us discussing here?

smiley - winkeye

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