A Conversation for Magna Carta

A13674396 - Magna Carta

Post 21


Hi benjaminpmoore

Thanks all sorted and I have added the pionts mentioned and the habeas corpus part...

Thanks again please check to see if you approve...


A13674396 - Magna Carta

Post 22


'forced meet the Barons'

Forced to meet

'Jhon's favourite castle)'


Re, the dauphin, maybe you could put in a footnote to explain that he is the heir of the King of France. Here's a link if you want one http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dauphin

This is virtually finished, as far as I can see, and it's a very good entry, about time there was one.

A13674396 - Magna Carta

Post 23



Thanks for the link put it in the text I think it looks ok.
Your opinion is wellcome......


A13674396 - Magna Carta

Post 24


Looks good to me, well done.

A13674396 - Magna Carta

Post 25


benjaminpmoore. Thank you whats next?

A13674396 - Magna Carta

Post 26


Quick search, 'ang on smiley - run

A224452 Middlesex University, UK

A412552 Robin Hood

A272558 The Knights Templar

A2654741 Henry II - the 'First' King of England

A525278 The Constitution of the United States of America

A few links for you. smiley - biggrin

A13674396 - Magna Carta

Post 27

Trout Montague

"The tent is sited in a meadow at Runnymede, near Staines in Middlesex."

A footnote to UK or England would be useful.


A13674396 - Magna Carta

Post 28


Hi benjaminpmoore

Links adopted and in Referenced Guide Entries..

Many thanks


A13674396 - Magna Carta

Post 29


Hi Trour
Good point all done thanks for tip...


A13674396 - Magna Carta

Post 30


Sorry Trout for typo on your name

A13674396 - Magna Carta

Post 31


YIKES! I've just looked at the links I gave you. I thought I posted one for middlesex, but it's middlesex UNIVERSITY/. smiley - sorry. You might want to take that one out.

A13674396 - Magna Carta

Post 32


Hi ok I will get on it (thought they did a course orn something)


A13674396 - Magna Carta

Post 33


Alrigh, here you are:

'peoples minds has been the one they were given during their school days, which tends to'

people's minds>

'fact, the unwilling King John,'

I'm a little uncertain about this phrase. I think it made John sound like he was an unwilling king. Maybe 'The angry man, an unwilling participant, was in fcat Kinh John' or something like that?

'way,'given by'

There needs to be a space between the comma and the apostraphe

'To all free men of our kingdom we have also granted, for us and our heirs for ever, all the liberties written out below, to have and to keep for them and their heirs, of us and our heirs.'
'It is clear that the common man did not get a mention at all; it simply did not apply unless one was a freeman and/or a landowner3.'

I know you do make this point later on, but I think that here is the best place to point out that, in the 1100's, very few people were in fact 'free men' at all.

'A sort tenant farmer of sorts'

Take out the first 'sort' or make it 'a sort of tenant farmer' one or the other.

'Knights Templar.7The Knights Templar'

Space between the footnote and 'The'

'John no land.'

Fragmented sentence, as Microsoft would tell you. Makes no sense on it's own.

'England, lord of Ireland, Duke of'

Capital 'L' for Lord.

'John looked although needed help as on May 21st 1215,'

John looked as though he needed help'?

Apart from those, I think it looks pretty close to being ready myself.

A13674396 - Magna Carta

Post 34


All done please comment. Thanks again for the review.


A13674396 - Magna Carta

Post 35

BigAl Patron Saint of Left Handers Keeper of the Glowing Pickle and Monobrows

The finest of the four surviving copies of the Magna Carta is held at Salisbury Cathedral Wiltshire. > Salisbury Cathedral, Wiltshire. (i.e. insert a comma.

Also, please include the link for Wiltshire, England, UK, which is atA6672468. smiley - oksmiley - smiley

Something I discovered whilst I was on holiday during the week (It was in response to a Q that somebody asked in a newspaper column):

The correspondent had written that King John is alleged not to have actually signed the Magna Cartas, but attached his seal to it because he could not write. Is this true?

Answer: It's a persistent tale but probably unfair to the King. When KJ met the barons at Runnym. in 1215, they only drew up notes which were then taken away. Some sources say that KJ signed the notes from which the MC emerged some t9me later.
Several copies of the MC were made, each confirmed by a royal seal - this being the normal procedure in the 13th C.
Documents were made official by sealing rather than signing. KJ is said to have greatly enjoyed his large library, so it is highly unlikely that he was illiterate.

A13674396 - Magna Carta

Post 36


Hi hope your holiday was good.

Wiltshire added and your notes inclubed in footnotes (if ok by you).

Please check out, thanks adain.


A13674396 - Magna Carta

Post 37

BigAl Patron Saint of Left Handers Keeper of the Glowing Pickle and Monobrows

smiley - erm the Wiltshire hyperlink still isn't there. Maybe it's because there was a typo in my post above where the 'A' number was linked to the preceding word. It should've been A6672468.

A13674396 - Magna Carta

Post 38


Hi works my end though I have replaced to make sure, and it still works. Strange any ideas please check......


A13674396 - Magna Carta

Post 39

BigAl Patron Saint of Left Handers Keeper of the Glowing Pickle and Monobrows

Funny, it's there in your 'References section, but isn't hyperlinked from the footnote smiley - erm

(Anyway, must dash now, smiley - run)

A13674396 - Magna Carta

Post 40


Well I've had a look and I can see the hyperlink it the footnote. Speaking for myself I can't really see a good deal else that needs changing here.

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