h2g2 Wallpapers

People of Earth, your attention please. These wallpapers, designed by h2g2 Community Artists, are available for you to download onto your computer desktop or distribute among your friends (though please note the terms and conditions below).

(Click the image to view the full version. These wallpapers are designed to be centred on your screen.)

A badger!
'Badger' by Community Artist Jimster.
A crowd of mobile phones storm the streets under the banner 'Let's meet up'.
'Let's Meet Up' by Community Artist Jimster.
A green blobby alien
'People of Earth, Your Attention Please' by Community Artist Jimster.
A caricature of Sir Alfred Hitchcock, holding a noose.
'Alfred Hitchcock' by Community Artist Jimster.
Santa Claus, scuba diving
'Scuba Santa' by Community Artist Wotchit.
A Halloween pumpkin with a face carved into it.
'Halloween Pumpkin' by Community Artist Wotchit.
h2g2 Smileys escaping from your screen
'The Great Escape' by Community Artist Amy the Ant.
A spider
'A spider' by Community Artist Amy the Ant.
Mice examining blueprints for a new Earth.
'Pan-dimensional Mice' by Community Artist Amy the Ant.
A Hip-hop breakdancer.
'Hip-hop' by Community Artist Wotchit.
The h2g2 Logo in Space.
'The h2g2 Logo' by Community Artist Lentilla.
A cow.
'Cow' by Community Artist Clelba.
Elements - Earth, Air, Fire, Water.
'The Elements' by Community Artist Wotchit.
Caricatures of Keneth Williams and Hattie Jacques from the 'Carry On...' films.
'What a Carry On' by Community Artist Jimster.

How to Set Images as Your Wallpaper.

NOTE: Please remember: The BBC and h2g2 grant permission to use these images only as wallpaper for your own computer. They must not be used on other websites.

They have been designed to be centred on your desktop against a black background.

Windows (Internet Explorer and Netscape)

  1. Open the picture by clicking on it and then right click on the image.

  2. Choose 'Set as Wallpaper' from the menu that appears.

Macintosh system 8.0 and above

  1. Select the picture you want to use. Click on it to reveal the 400 x 400 version. Click and hold on the picture and select 'Save to Disk' from the menu that appears under your cursor.

  2. When you have saved the picture to your computer, find the file and rename it. Then move it to your Desktop Pictures folder - this should be on your Hard Drive.

  3. From the Apple Menu select Control Panels > Appearance. Alternatively, hold down Control on the keyboard, click on the desktop and select 'Change Desktop Background...' from the contextual menu.

  4. Choose the Desktop tab. If there is a button that says 'Remove Picture' click on it.

  5. Select a plain black pattern as a background. If you don't have a plain black background you will have to make one. See the instructions below.

  6. Click on the 'Set Picture' button. Locate your Desktop Pictures folder and select the renamed picture. In the dropdown that defaults to 'Position Automatically' select 'Center on Screen.' Press the 'Set Desktop' button.

  1. To make a plain black background you first need to make a small black PICT file using a graphics program. The shareware program GraphicConverter can be downloaded from the web and is ideal for this task. The black PICT must be less than 128 pixels square. 64 x 64 works well.

  2. Save your PICT as a file called 'black' onto the desktop. Open the Appearance control panel from the Apple Menu and select the Desktop tab. Drag and drop the black PICT onto the right hand preview window.

Macintosh system 7.6 and below

  1. Select the dimensions of the picture to download for your screen resolution. If in doubt, select the largest picture, as your Macintosh will adjust the size of the image to fit your desktop.

  2. Click on the link to that image and hold down the mouse button. Select 'Copy' (Explorer) or 'Copy this Image' (Netscape) from the menu that appears.

  3. Under the Apple menu, find the 'Control Panels' menu. From this submenu, select 'Desktop Patterns'. The 'Desktop Patterns' control panel will open.

  4. Under the 'Edit' menu at the top of your screen, select 'Paste'. The picture should appear in your 'Desktop Patterns' control panel.

  5. Click the 'Set Desktop Pattern' button.

The Truly Eccentric Method

  1. Choose your picture.

  2. Click your browser's 'Print' button.

  3. Take the printed picture to your local photocopying shop.

  4. Make about 400 copies.

  5. Stick these copies on the wall of your choice using flour and water paste.

  6. Kind Note: this final method is a joke that we nicked from BBC Cult. Please don't wallpaper your room without the permission of a responsible adult, the landlord or person who owns the room and, very probably, any necessary copyright holders.

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