A Conversation for Games Room

Guess the Animal Game

Post 3481


Ostrige (bird that is supposed to bury their head in the sand)

Guess the Animal Game

Post 3482


No...and they don't bury their heads, that's just a myth

Guess the Animal Game

Post 3483


I won't be on for three weeks starting tomorow, so I guess you can keep guessing for now and I'll post what it is as late as I can. smiley - erm

Guess the Animal Game

Post 3484


All right, it was an Emu. See you in three weeks!

Guess the Animal Game

Post 3485


Aww... well i got's one... Anybody there..? smiley - brave

Guess the Animal Game

Post 3486


Yes smiley - smiley go on?

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