A Conversation for Games Room

What movie is this line from....?

Post 121

The one and only BOB (Knight of the attack penguin puppet masters)(We are Susan Winkle. Join us. A1097363)

I was gonna say that. But I changed my mind.smiley - biggrin

What movie is this line from....?

Post 122


smiley - laugh I always go for it.. But im 90% wrong on all of them smiley - laugh Is flint still in..??

What movie is this line from....?

Post 123

ourmanflint " my name is Klaatu "

I'm back..

cool my go....

I'll make him an offer he can't refuse.

What movie is this line from....?

Post 124



What movie is this line from....?

Post 125

Jim Lynn

Here's a quick suggestion. Not to sound like a prude or anything, but could we try and restrict it to lines which *don't* contain swearing? It might open up the range of films a little. Frankly, all those recent quotes were beginning to sound the same.

What movie is this line from....?

Post 126

ourmanflint " my name is Klaatu "

too easy.. I panicked

your go!!

What movie is this line from....?

Post 127

The one and only BOB (Knight of the attack penguin puppet masters)(We are Susan Winkle. Join us. A1097363)

Ah didn't get here in time.

What movie is this line from....?

Post 128


How could narrowing down the use of certain words (Which i cencor) Open up up a field to more films..??

It was a bit easy.. Take another go... smiley - biggrin

What movie is this line from....?

Post 129


I meant censor.. (Damn my wide fingers again)

What movie is this line from....?

Post 130

ourmanflint " my name is Klaatu "


"It was something your wife said while we were in bed together. She said we had the same build. From the waist up I imagine."

go for it.. a bit harder this time

What movie is this line from....?

Post 131

Jim Lynn

Well, it seems like everyone is choosing quotes with swearing, which actually restricts the choices of films.

What movie is this line from....?

Post 132


Face off.???? smiley - erm

What movie is this line from....?

Post 133


Not done on purpose i can assure you.. Just went for quotes people would remember.. I'll think of alternatives form now on.. smiley - biggrin

What movie is this line from....?

Post 134

ourmanflint " my name is Klaatu "

No it's not from Face Off

What movie is this line from....?

Post 135


Field of dreams.. The rude version smiley - laughsmiley - laugh

What movie is this line from....?

Post 136


I don't know.. Its up to the others.. smiley - biggrin

What movie is this line from....?

Post 137

ourmanflint " my name is Klaatu "

NO Not Field of Dreams..

think comedy...

What movie is this line from....?

Post 138


As i said.. Im out of this one.. Someone else wanna take it..?? (Unless you wanna give me another clue)

What movie is this line from....?

Post 139

The one and only BOB (Knight of the attack penguin puppet masters)(We are Susan Winkle. Join us. A1097363)

It's familiar.

What movie is this line from....?

Post 140

ourmanflint " my name is Klaatu "

last chance...
Chevy Chase in....

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