A Conversation for Deleted with Conversations

Peer Review: A36662664 - Gnomon Test with Conversations

Post 1

Gnomon - time to move on

Entry: Gnomon Test with Conversations - A36662664
Author: Gnomon - U151503

This is for testing purpose. If I say "Please ignore", what do you think the chances of it being ignored are?

Please ignore.

A36662664 - Gnomon Test with Conversations

Post 2

Florida Sailor All is well with the world

Slim and None?

The smiley - devil made me do it!

smiley - shrug

F smiley - dolphin S

A36662664 - Gnomon Test with Conversations

Post 3

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

I'm sure if you asked, seeing as it were you, everyone would obey and ignore. smiley - erm ahh. or not...

A36662664 - Gnomon Test with Conversations

Post 4

Gnomon - time to move on

I really thought there was no chance. And I was right.smiley - smiley

A36662664 - Gnomon Test with Conversations

Post 5

Gnomon - time to move on

Just as long as a scout doesn't pick this entry.smiley - whistle

A36662664 - Gnomon Test with Conversations

Post 6


You can always 'count' on someone to respond smiley - smiley

A36662664 - Gnomon Test with Conversations

Post 7


Oooh! Counting! I ignored it.

A36662664 - Gnomon Test with Conversations

Post 8


Celts it must be the Celt in you smiley - winkeye

A36662664 - Gnomon Test with Conversations

Post 9

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Did I spot a typo in the entry? smiley - ermsmiley - biro
Maybe it could have some headings, to space it out a bit more, and a few more paragliders.

A36662664 - Gnomon Test with Conversations

Post 10


Can somebody competent link to the recent conversation about 'counting words'? I'm sure Gnomon would have something to say. These words (Irish?) don't have 'eleven and 'twelve' words, but the word for four is strangely big, which makes me wonder if there is a hangover from 'one, two, three, everything else' in there somewhere.

A36662664 - Gnomon Test with Conversations

Post 11


I am sure all shall become clear, It looks like 1 to 12 with possible alternatives for some numbers. smiley - smiley

A36662664 - Gnomon Test with Conversations

Post 12

Florida Sailor All is well with the world

Of course if we really want to practice counting this is always a good place to start;


One of my favouritessmiley - biggrin

F smiley - dolphin S

A36662664 - Gnomon Test with Conversations

Post 13

Nosebagbadger {Ace}

To be blunt, I don't think it's as good as the last testing entry that came through here - but that was radically improved by PR

Maybe we can do the same here!

"This is for testing purpose" needs an "s" on the end of purpose I believe

A36662664 - Gnomon Test with Conversations

Post 14


smiley - biggrinReminds me of a test my Mom brought home from one of her psychology classes, once upon a time.

The first item in the directions read, "Please read this entire test before proceeding."

The last item on the test was a direction not to answer any of the questions.smiley - evilgrin

A36662664 - Gnomon Test with Conversations

Post 15

Nosebagbadger {Ace}

Gnomon has stated that this is a "Test with Conversations"

Either he will be running multiple threads, or he will attempt to have us drift off topic...and we know that hootooers never drift off topic

Although it would be interesting to see what happened if someone boldly ordered everyone to change topic

A36662664 - Gnomon Test with Conversations

Post 16


Result could be like what happens in a 'madboyz' barracks when someone announces loss of a shoe.

A36662664 - Gnomon Test with Conversations

Post 17


I would like to congratulate Gnomon for such a succinct entry. It would have been all too easy to overwhelm the reader by getting bogged down in the minutia of such a fascinating topic.

Well done smiley - applause

I look forward to seeing this on the front page

A36662664 - Gnomon Test with Conversations

Post 18

Nosebagbadger {Ace}

Don't we have a rule about using foreign languages without a translation being provided?

One such as yourself Gnomon should really not allow such problems, and should provide a suitable translation as quickly as possible

A36662664 - Gnomon Test with Conversations

Post 19

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Should each of th eitems in the list be with or without a capital, I forget teh protocol for such things.

May be good to add some footnotes as explinations; maybe as the translations of each? smiley - silly

A36662664 - Gnomon Test with Conversations

Post 20

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

I think this entry is witty. smiley - whistle Oh, and evocative, too. smiley - run

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