A Conversation for Urban Fantasy: Vampire Porn, Feminist Pipe-Dream or Misfits' Revenge?

Peer Review: A87786751 - Urban Fantasy: Vampire Porn, Feminist Pipe-Dream or Misfits' Revenge?

Post 1


Entry: Urban Fantasy: Vampire Porn, Feminist Pipe-Dream or Misfits' Revenge? - A87786751
Author: Solnushka (Foundation) - U138596

My favourite books, explained.

I was thinking of adding a list of books at the end?

A87786751 - Urban Fantasy: Vampire Porn, Feminist Pipe-Dream or Misfits' Revenge?

Post 2


Oh yeah. Alternative title: Urban Fantasy iz in ur world, stealin' all ur wimin. Or something else. I am open to suggestions.

A87786751 - Urban Fantasy: Vampire Porn, Feminist Pipe-Dream or Misfits' Revenge?

Post 3


I thought it was a good read. I'm not familiar with the genre other than seeing it in Waterstones (other bookshops are available). There are a few minor spelling mistakes here and there (they always pop up) such as moinsters, a comma or two that is trying to escape the confines of the word it follows, nothing much to worry on that front.

You could add some links, such as:
A315893 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' - the TV Series
A593282 Science Fiction - Some Hard, Some Soft
A379569 Science Fiction and Fantasy
A26353677 Dracula's Ancestors - Vampires Without the Dinner Jackets
A11101654 The Restless Dead - the History of the Slavic Vampire
A273566 Vampires
A152317 Dragons
A4708 Witches
A275933 Werewolves
A827417 Trolls
A258662 Imagery and Neil Gaiman
A2913734 Sherlock Holmes Part II - the Legacy
A510472 Films Based on Books

I'd be happy to see a list of up to a dozen key books at the end, provided you have a brief explanation of why these books are noteworthy. I did something similar for my British War Films article.


A87786751 - Urban Fantasy: Vampire Porn, Feminist Pipe-Dream or Misfits' Revenge?

Post 4


Excellent links, Bluebottle, thanks. Quite apart from anything else, I want to read the one about the Slavic vampires. I shall also nuke moinsters and work on my list of recommended reading.

A87786751 - Urban Fantasy: Vampire Porn, Feminist Pipe-Dream or Misfits' Revenge?

Post 5

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

This is good. smiley - smiley I don't have any suggestions, but thanks for filling in a hole in our coverage of popular art forms. smiley - winkeye

A87786751 - Urban Fantasy: Vampire Porn, Feminist Pipe-Dream or Misfits' Revenge?

Post 6


This is an interesting and entertaining article. smiley - smiley

I hope this doesn't mean there isn't room for other genres - such as thrillers with an environmental slant, or even old-fashioned stories about families which mums and grandmas smiley - senior might read?

The clause "Frequently and this is particularly true if the reveal happened recently or looks in any way imminent" is repeated at the end of the paragraph. Is 'reveal' used as a verb an American habit? I would say 'revelation'.

A87786751 - Urban Fantasy: Vampire Porn, Feminist Pipe-Dream or Misfits' Revenge?

Post 7

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

You mean, 'reveal' as noun? smiley - bigeyes

Yes. It's used as a more-or-less technical term in fiction and entertainment writing, as: 'The reveal comes at the end of the third act.' Used this way, it's correct.

The only use of the noun 'reveal' outside the discussion of fictional mechanics that I know of is when Russell Hoban uses it in 'Riddley Walker'. smiley - smiley

A87786751 - Urban Fantasy: Vampire Porn, Feminist Pipe-Dream or Misfits' Revenge?

Post 8


Yes, I did mean 'reveal as a noun' This is what happens when I try to make intelligent comments.smiley - doh

A87786751 - Urban Fantasy: Vampire Porn, Feminist Pipe-Dream or Misfits' Revenge?

Post 9


Hiya Sol. smiley - smiley

smiley - star"SciFi was the serious older brother spending five days a week on the steady job holding a mirror up to social issues, while at the weekend when he would break out the really big tech and go and fight bug eyed moinsters on the red planet with the three moons in a galaxy far far away."
- I adore you for this sentence. smiley - loveblush Although possibly you might want to take out the rogue i in monsters. And I'm not sure if you need the 'when' in the weekend bit.

smiley - biroAx? Or axe?

smiley - biroFootnotes one and three need to come before the full stop.

smiley - yikes"Can one of you help me find my orgasm?”
-I'm sorry? Seriously? smiley - ill

smiley - biro"publishing splurge on Urban Fanatsy books."

smiley - biro"patience of a caffeinated hummingbird Karen Chance,"
-Needs a full stop

Raaaaa, I *like* it, Sol. My only slight worry is that it will age pretty quickly, but, to be honest, it won't be the only Entry in the Guide that does so.

smiley - fairy

A87786751 - Urban Fantasy: Vampire Porn, Feminist Pipe-Dream or Misfits' Revenge?

Post 10


Thanks for picking up on my typos, all. Proof reading really isn't my thing. I shall have another look and fix them.

I can change reveal if it's a bit American. I don't mind American myself, but it prolly crept in because I was reading an American writer's blog when I wrote it. I'm not sure how standard it is elsewhere.

To be fair, Vip, I am guilty of selective quoting there (the 'orgasms' quote). I haven't read that one, but I am pretty sure that the character is not really inviting an orgy, but winding her boyfriend up. Yes, I realise that might not help. Don't judge me. (actually, those books are actually quite funny - they've got a girl (well Valkyrie, but hey) frat house thing going on which is beyond amusing if you like your humour very broad. The sex, however, is quite eye watering, so I don't feel too bad about the misquote).

Also, I know what you mean about the dating, but the genre is in a slight state of flux right now so... I can promise to come back and update. I might have better quotes.

A87786751 - Urban Fantasy: Vampire Porn, Feminist Pipe-Dream or Misfits' Revenge?

Post 11

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

morning smiley - coffee

Don't change 'reveal' - I like it, because you are stretching the reader.

I'd like to see this in the Guide, I love your fresh style of writing Sol. thanks for writing it.

A87786751 - Urban Fantasy: Vampire Porn, Feminist Pipe-Dream or Misfits' Revenge?

Post 12

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Did you do the typo fixing, Sol? Or would you like a little longer? smiley - smiley

Eye-watering sex? smiley - cdouble I shall have to make some time for thissmiley - laugh

smiley - galaxysmiley - diva

A87786751 - Urban Fantasy: Vampire Porn, Feminist Pipe-Dream or Misfits' Revenge?

Post 13

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

There is plenty of it in the drug store or supermarket counter.

I did some market research last Monday. smiley - whistle Gaah...handsome vampires on every cover, plus FOUR books that started '50 Shades of...' smiley - run

I HAVE to write some vampire porn. I could use the money.

A87786751 - Urban Fantasy: Vampire Porn, Feminist Pipe-Dream or Misfits' Revenge?

Post 14

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

smiley - offtopic

We could all do with making some money. How about... a collaborative challenge? Each writing a follow on chapter in the style of vampire porn? smiley - offtopic

A87786751 - Urban Fantasy: Vampire Porn, Feminist Pipe-Dream or Misfits' Revenge?

Post 15

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - laugh Not a bad idea.

A87786751 - Urban Fantasy: Vampire Porn, Feminist Pipe-Dream or Misfits' Revenge?

Post 16


Oh, but to write it, we'd have to READ it first... smiley - yikessmiley - runsmiley - lurk

smiley - fairy

A87786751 - Urban Fantasy: Vampire Porn, Feminist Pipe-Dream or Misfits' Revenge?

Post 17

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

We could just make something up. smiley - whistle

A87786751 - Urban Fantasy: Vampire Porn, Feminist Pipe-Dream or Misfits' Revenge?

Post 18


I can see I am going to have to rewrite this a little to make it a bit clearer that quite a lot of the books aren't actually that bad.

But to beat the others we will certainly have to get 2legs on board.

I've done some typo bashing. I do want to add a booklist, but that involves a list and outside links, so I'll need a few days I'm afraid.

A87786751 - Urban Fantasy: Vampire Porn, Feminist Pipe-Dream or Misfits' Revenge?

Post 19

h2g2 Guide Editors

No problem Solnushka, take your timesmiley - ok

h2g2 Editors

A87786751 - Urban Fantasy: Vampire Porn, Feminist Pipe-Dream or Misfits' Revenge?

Post 20

h2g2 Guide Editors

How's this coming along, Solnushka? smiley - smiley

smiley - cappuccino

h2g2 Editors

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