Technical Feedback
General | Editorial | Post-BBC h2g2
New h2g2 Feedback
If you have feedback or bug reports to do with the launch of h2g2
since we left the BBC, please go here:
New h2g2 Feedback
which is the active page for technical feedback
h2g2 Technical Feedback
If you have a question, please read the h2g2 FAQs first to check that your question is not already answered there. Thanks!
Welcome to the Technical section of the h2g2 feedback area.
Please note that New h2g2 Feedback is the active page for technical feedback.
We ask that you refrain from posting to the current page (Technical Feedback) from now on (March 2016), in order to keep fewer pages monitored.
However, if you want to talk specifically about GuideML, you can to that in the GuideML Clinic.
Who Will Respond?
Questions posted to the feedback area are answered by Volunteer Researchers. We read all comments and try to respond to as many as possible.
Thanks for your input.
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."