A Conversation for cactuscafe
Daydream Journal
cactuscafe Posted Oct 29, 2013
Yes! The preparations were much better for St Jude, than for the '87 storm. I appreciated the preparations, and the folks working round the clock to get the power back on, and dealing with all the fallen trees.
So strange, not a breath of wind today.
Hope SA is OK.
. I like the actual St Jude since I learned about him. I think I will talk to him on those lost cause days.
Of which there are many. Poetic that, those lost cause days.
Before the storm, the husband was prowling around doing his King Lear routine, in preparation. He does a fine King Lear , even though I chucked a cushion at him.
'Blow, winds, and crack your cheeks! rage! blow!
You cataracts and hurricanoes, spout
Till you have drench’d our steeples, drown’d the cocks!
You sulphurous and thought-executing fires,
Vaunt-couriers to oak-cleaving thunderbolts,
Singe my white head!
(quote King Lear)
Ahhhh yes Tony Hart. RIP Tony Hart. Amazing artist.
I didn't know who Morph was!! Yikes, showing my age now. . I remember Tony Hart from Blue Peter and Vision On.
Daydream Journal
cactuscafe Posted Oct 29, 2013
Hullo Willem! by the way. I forgot to say Hullo Willem! I was going on about King Lear, and thinking about Tony Hart. . My thoughts in type are a bit upside down when I'm away from home. As if they're the right way up when I'm at home,
How are you my friend? That's interesting about how you only had TV in the mid 70s. Was radio a popular entertainment for families in the evenings?
I'm sure that Tony Hart would be flattered to know that he had influenced your amazing artistic career.
I remember when TV went into colour. Although I can't remember the exact year, must have been mid 60s. It was soooo amaaazing, but now I realise that black and white TV was a major miracle. I liked the way it flickered.
Daydream Journal
Peanut Posted Oct 30, 2013
Thanks for checking though , that is all UKian daydreamers safely accounted for
Tony Hart was an amazing fella, inspired people like me too, with no talent but enjoys giving it a go and love what they had come up with
Daydream Journal
cactuscafe Posted Oct 30, 2013
Glad you're OK, SA!
And yes! and wonders! And radio. Addicted to Planet Rock (radio station) now. Radio waves. A miracle. I must photograph night radio. How do I do that? Inspired.
And yes and everything!
Take care, all. Speak soon .
Preparing for Hallowe'en in Brighton, , lying low, too many giant orange spiders.
Daydream Journal
Peanut Posted Oct 30, 2013
We are doing a free range interpretation of Samhain here,
and have been taking our newly acquired knowledge of St Jude into account,
so we have pineapples, cheese, and are ambitiously contemplating baking soul cakes,
Daydream Journal
Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor Posted Oct 30, 2013
Do either of you know anything about wicca and neopaganism?
As you know, I'm writing ESL readers for the terminally confused around the planet.
I've done some insects, and a lot of ancient history. But currently, I'm doing 'British culture'. They give me an outline.
So far, I've covered clothing, and food...the EG was VERY helpful there, particularly lil and 2legs...
I'm on to dogs, and art, and architecture...but towards the end, I'll need to write about wicca and neopaganism.
So here's your chance to enlighten the planet.
Daydream Journal
minorvogonpoet Posted Oct 30, 2013
Clothing and food, wicca and neopaganism? This gives us a chance to confuse the foreigners totally.
To talk about strange ceremonies conducted early in the morning, by people dressed in tartan dressing gowns. They boil a pot of water, pour it onto fragrant leaves, leave it to stand for 5 minutes and then drink and say 'Aaah. I needed that!'
And there's the strange tradition of people dressing in smart suits (preferably pin striped, to be worn with a bowler hat and rolled umbrella) standing on the train into London for an hour without speaking.
I'd better
Daydream Journal
Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor Posted Oct 30, 2013
Don't think I haven't exploited the comic possibilities.
I discussed the Full English Breakfast - in all its caloric horrors. I explained black pudding, and haggis.
I delved into the history of fish and chips, and imparted the titbit about fried Mars bars...ah, Scotland the brave...
Then I told an exciting story about bangers. It involved a Cockney named Alf, the Blitz, and some particularly noisy sausages that he mistook for the Luftwaffe.
I have been around you people far too long...
Daydream Journal
cactuscafe Posted Oct 30, 2013
mvp in true form here. I love it.
Wicca and neo paganism? Not really my area. I'm very informative about eating cheese sandwiches on railway stations, watching pigeons pecking at yesterday's rainsoaked dreams, but wicca and neo paganism.. hmm.
Lewes bonfire night! Apparently that's quite pagan in origin. (but I might be wrong, could be urban myth). Lewes is a lovely town near here, in Sussex, their Nov 5th bonfire night is legendary. But I'm not going to venture to that event, even in the name of research for a friend, because I'm scared of sparklers. And neo paganism.
Daydream Journal
cactuscafe Posted Oct 30, 2013
Fried Mars bars?? Aye boy. . It's true, all true.
Washed down with Irn Bru, a fine Scottish drink.
Daydream Journal
Peanut Posted Oct 31, 2013
I'm not sure what you are after but here is a link you might find helpful
Daydream Journal
cactuscafe Posted Nov 3, 2013
Hullo all! Good link, Peanut! I like the piccie of Stonehenge. Ahhhh, the henge. Haven't seen it for ages. Last time we were there I ate a Neolithic rock cake in the carpark, the café was selling them. haha. True. That's what they were called.
Still in Brighton, we've been at the Festival of Mind Body Spirit, it was amaaaaazing. Been chanting in the Hare Krishna Pop Up temple, (like a yurt), (made up my own lyrics, of course.) I decided that chant is the basis of all my music.
When I get home to my synths I'll probably write synth chant (with extra bits).
Went to the cosmic cinema (a dome shaped structure, kind of like a yurt also). Incredible patterns projected all over the dome, so you felt like you were travelling through 3D star tunnels, with a soundtrack, amaaazing.
And it's goodbye known world. haha.
NaJoPoMo looking good. mvp's unfolding Town Council story, and Mister D's Time Travel Journal! Both look intriguing. I will catch up with all!
I never made it to NaJoPoMo, because I was last seen in a yurt temple in Brighton. haha I might have been a bit overwhelmed anyway. I could have copied out my daily notebook, or describe my daily photo, but it's not really that interesting for a daily audience. People might have had to make other plans. Tea appointments with imaginary Aunts.
Half remembered lyrics, bubbles of chant, orange star doodles, lines of dancing numbers in turquoise crayon.
3am is yellow zigzag, 4am is hopeful moon whispers.
I happy am.
Daydream Journal
minorvogonpoet Posted Nov 3, 2013
I'm getting totally lost in NaJoPoMo.
Trying to write and losing chunks. The first time I posted a piece, I spent some time on it, pressed 'Save' and it vanished into cyberspace. I've learnt to keep saving bits.
Trying to post links to my pieces and getting them all garbled. And trying to find other people's pieces and getting lost.
I feel like one of the characters in a computer game where you go wandering round a maze and keep coming up against walls. By the time you've worked out where you need to go next, you've been zapped by a monster with a fireball.
Daydream Journal
cactuscafe Posted Nov 3, 2013
A mouse? A tiny mouse in awe of the vast cosmos.
Mouse shadows in the cosmic cinema, as a tiny mouse scuttles in front of the projector.
Daydream Journal
cactuscafe Posted Nov 3, 2013
Zapped by a monster with a fireball? Hah! The key to the murder mystery? It all happens in the Town Council. . .
Daydream Journal
cactuscafe Posted Nov 4, 2013
Om Op Oj An.... OmOpOjAn...... NaJoPoMo.... Om ....
. Don't mind me. I've been doing too much chanting, it's giving me weird dreams. But NaJoPoMo is like one of those vowel chants, especially backwards, it starts with Om ....
Om ....
I'm happy with this. I realised my entire life has been lived somehow backwards. . OmOpOjAn. Turn it around, and the poetry appears. This is the key to my inspiration.
It's a lot to do with GBS and the Town Council.
Ignore me, I'm doing my OmOpOjAn slot ....
The (Brighton) wind is whistling through the gateways and window seals. Why does wind whistle?? I feel like I'm in one of those spooky avant garde films where everything is set to a backdrop of weird whistling wind, and peculiar people in black lipstick are staring at me in a knowing way, but I don't what they know. In fact I don't think they know anything, it's just the black lipstick that makes them look like they know.
Next fragment
Then I somehow realise that I'm not scared of the Universe, except for the entire history of human existence which scares me witless, except for the scenes where sages and kind people are chanting Om ....OmOpOjAn ..... NaJoPoMo ... and I am enchanted.
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Daydream Journal
- 2521: cactuscafe (Oct 29, 2013)
- 2522: cactuscafe (Oct 29, 2013)
- 2523: U14993989 (Oct 29, 2013)
- 2524: Peanut (Oct 30, 2013)
- 2525: Peanut (Oct 30, 2013)
- 2526: cactuscafe (Oct 30, 2013)
- 2527: Peanut (Oct 30, 2013)
- 2528: Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor (Oct 30, 2013)
- 2529: minorvogonpoet (Oct 30, 2013)
- 2530: Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor (Oct 30, 2013)
- 2531: cactuscafe (Oct 30, 2013)
- 2532: cactuscafe (Oct 30, 2013)
- 2533: Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor (Oct 30, 2013)
- 2534: Peanut (Oct 31, 2013)
- 2535: cactuscafe (Nov 3, 2013)
- 2536: Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor (Nov 3, 2013)
- 2537: minorvogonpoet (Nov 3, 2013)
- 2538: cactuscafe (Nov 3, 2013)
- 2539: cactuscafe (Nov 3, 2013)
- 2540: cactuscafe (Nov 4, 2013)
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