A Conversation for cactuscafe

Daydream Journal

Post 221


What????? Seriously?????Is this meant to be??????

Daydream Journal

Post 222


oh thank you Dmitri for option 2 smiley - hug, I thought you would come up a way

Daydream Journal

Post 223

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - ok No problem.

Daydream Journal

Post 224


can we triangle locations with mvp??

Daydream Journal

Post 225


Excellent! Well, Dmitri already has my email address, so I give him permission to send it to you, privately.

That's it!! Sorted!

Daydream Journal

Post 226


just keeping up the maths theme smiley - whistle

and she did say she would like to come camping....

Daydream Journal

Post 227


I don't know if mvp does the RL meeting bit. She might wait till she sees our piece in smiley - thepost, then decide that we are the most irresistible company, and we will have to do it all over again. heheh.

Daydream Journal

Post 228


ohmigod, I forgot the maths. That's it, trip's off. smiley - rofl No! I will pack the calculator.

Daydream Journal

Post 229


I give Dmitri permission to use my email privately also

he will also come up with a more circumspect way of phrasing that, being better at words than me smiley - laugh

Daydream Journal

Post 230


no excuse, I have got graph paper, lined paper, plain paper all in a waterproofish file thingy, got it today, impulse somewhat intentional buy from £shop, for just such occasion, for just 99p

Daydream Journal

Post 231

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - laugh Peanut, you'll have to send me that email.

Daydream Journal

Post 232


er, sent smiley - laugh

Daydream Journal

Post 233


Nice paper stash. I do love a bit of stationery.

Graph paper? Help! I've been slacking. smiley - rofl. (rootles for algebra workbook)

The legendary Glastonbury graphs were sent to the Post editor by two researchers last seen in Somerset. These graphs are very insightful, and tell us many things about many things.

Daydream Journal

Post 234

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - rofl Sorry to be late, Peanut, all done.

smiley - puff I was coping with pictures of baobab trees, long story. And one of the Parthenon in Nashville.

Ah, those wondrous graphs...

Last night, we watched Dali's 'Impressions de l'haute Mongolie', which I've probably just spelled wrong. Fabulous film, but I'll bet CC already knows it.

If you don't, it's available for free online...smiley - ufo

Dali in search of giant mushrooms, using a pen he stole from the hotel. In French, with subtitles. The subtitles are in a strange language which I can read, but not identify...I think it is Catalan, or maybe Andalusian...sort of like Romanian from another planet...

His moustache is a fierce artistic statement, don't you think? When the pen appeared in outer space, I was hooked. Also, Dali claims Vermeer hid this map in one of his paintings, you see, and the Princess had these camels, and...

Well, just go and watch. Let me know if you need the url. smiley - run

Daydream Journal

Post 235


in search of giant mushrooms, using a pen stolen from the hotel (that sounds whovian at the very least to me for a start)

add in the camels, a hidden map and I am hooked, I let you know about the moustache smiley - bigeyes

thank you again for your help

Daydream Journal

Post 236


Thankyouverymuch my friend for sorting us out. smiley - rofl.

smiley - rofl baobab trees? It's an interesting life, the life of an Editor. Are they the trees that look like they are growing upside down?

What? No! I have never heard of this Dali film, I am just soo out of touch these days. If it's as good as your wonderful write up, I shall fly to Dali heaven when I see it, where all the clocks show a bendy ten to three, and is there honey still for tea?

Ah yes, the moustache. Dali's look was kind of interesting. heheh. I think I would be shy if I had to meet him for tea. smiley - rofl. smiley - tea

Daydream Journal

Post 237

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - ok Glad you two are on the planning road...

And here's a link to the Mongolia film:


Safe and free. smiley - smiley

And yes, on 8 October, Willem will tell you all about the fascinating baobab tree, in a two-part Phyto-Philes special...profusely illustrated. Those are the ones, CC. smiley - winkeye

Daydream Journal

Post 238


Wow, I only go away for a few hours and, when I get back all sorts of things have happened.

Graphs, baobob trees, Dali's moustache and a camel? smiley - headhurts (is that language Occitan, perhaps?)

As for meeting up, I half expect to bump into cc in the Lanes in Brighton, and have a smiley - coffee and smiley - cake Not sure I'd be very good company , but I'll email Dmitri anyway.

Daydream Journal

Post 239

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - ok Great, MVP.

Occitan might be it. smiley - smiley Thank you, knowledgeable person.

Daydream Journal

Post 240


She is very knowledgeable. Occitan? Ah yes, well these poets have the knowledge of many interdimensional languages.

Splendid mvp! Well, me and Peanut got nattering on email, its great. I had to explain that I make as much sense in emails as I do here, Dmitri and Elektra can vouch for that. smiley - rofl.

I often think you have walked right past me in Brighton .. I almost stopped a lady the other day, and said s'cuse me are you my friend the poetlady from hootoo. smiley - rofl. I should have a t-shirt that reads 'hey mvp, it's me.'

If you ever want that coffee and cake, and also we will see what Peanut comes up with .... ask Dmitri for my email address, I give him permission to give it to you, and be great to hear from you. Do you ever go to hootoo meets in London?

smiley - biro

Now, back to my interdimensional travel piece, which I am about to make into a paper boat and drop into the stream of consciousness, with a promise never to return. smiley - rofl.

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