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Anyone knows a cat deterrent?

Post 21


But don't try that at home folks smiley - winkeye

Of course you could try planting one in your least favourite neighbour's garden smiley - evilgrin

Anyone knows a cat deterrent?

Post 22

Icy North

No, no, no. Not catnip! smiley - yikes

It not only attracts cats from miles away, it induces some sort of hallucinogenic trance in them. They bite the heads off, then lounge around in your flower beds like drop-outs at a Byrds gig.

Anyone knows a cat deterrent?

Post 23


I think SWL had a firm smiley - tongueincheek there. At least I hope so. smiley - winkeye

Anyone knows a cat deterrent?

Post 24

Icy North

To be honest, I couldn't tell. It was very mischievous of him. smiley - laugh

Anyone knows a cat deterrent?

Post 25

Br Robyn Hoode - Navo - complete with theme tune

In fairness, I know I have heard of several places selling big cat feaces as a deterrent to smaller (i.e. domestic) cats. It's dried ad you sprinkle it around apparently.

Anyone knows a cat deterrent?

Post 26


If it was a house cat, I've learned water sprays in their face or a gentle brief blow from a hair dryer works.

Now gardens, outside of a scarecrow (which has worked in a few cases), I don't know of many. Cats don't like garlic around here, and our mouser is not fond of bluebonnets.

Anyone knows a cat deterrent?

Post 27

Dea.. - call me Mrs B!

I have a cat who lives outside most of the day and only comes in for food and the odd 5 hour comatose nap on the sofa! There are other feral cats around who all seem to think that they may get a free-for-all buffet if they yowl hard enough. I've tried everything to dissuade them without harming our cat and the best thing is a plant spray bottle with the nozzle on squirt! They got used to it after a while so I find the addition of a couple of drops of tabasco to the water makes them leg it for a while!

Anyone knows a cat deterrent?

Post 28


That kind of thing requires you to be a 24 hour a day guard though doesn't it.

What if they sneak in while you're on the toilet?

Anyone knows a cat deterrent?

Post 29

novosibirsk - as normal as I can be........

Anyone noticed that even usually disdainful cats know when you are ill, and come and sit or lie beside you?

A few years back, before our two black ones arrived, the next door neighbours giant tabby found his way in when I had a dose of flu, and slept beside me (on and off ) for a couple of days....

I believe that the corollary is that cats won't go near someone who is dying!. I can vouch for the first part 'cos ours exhibit the same reaction, - but the corollary might be a myth.


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