A Conversation for Chance - the film


Post 1



Im probably the only Amberholic left who has yet to see the film although I have heard great things about it.
Do you know where I can get hold of a copy in the uk?

Im not actually on the net (Im here, but only just, this is the only site I can get into) so getting hold of one on-line is tricky but not impossible.
If you know of any stores that stock it, please let me know as I'm just aching to see it.

Amber totally rocks, an amazing all round talent!!!

Thanks, Will.


Post 2


Hi there!

Amber has made the movie available for free on DVD through the official movie website: http://www.chancemovie.com but the catch is that you have to buy a $45 (U.S.) autographed picture. Very smart of her actually, and the DVD cut is only slightly different than the version I saw in Alabama a year ago and I still highly recommend it!

The DVD is also available in PAL format.

Hope that helps a little at least... =)


Post 3


Brilliant, Im having probs with the link you sent but thats my fault, not yours! smiley - biggrin

Thanks hun, your'e a star!

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