Chance - the film

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On Sunday, 22 September, 2002, I and many other people got the pleasure of seeing a film called Chance which was directed, produced, written and starred Amber Benson, who played Tara Maclay in Buffy, the Vampire Slayer.

Chance ( ) is a dark comedy about a chapter in the life of a twenty-something woman searching not only for herself, but for true love in a crazy world. It also stars James Marsters (Spike on Buffy), Christine Estabrook, Andy Hallett (the Host on Angel), Tressa diFiglia and Nate Barlow.

The soundtrack provided by Grant Langston provides a pitch-perfect counter-point to the story, jacking up the laugh level that much more.

Amber Benson originally started this film in early 2001, funnelling the money she made from her time on Buffy into production on this truly Independent film, one which wasn't originally supposed to star herself, but due to budgetary concerns does.

Eventually, money ran out and she was stuck between a rock and a hard place...but legions of dedicated fans chipped in and helped make her dream a reality. They bought pictures, scripts and props, or just outright donated, and from that enough money was made to finish the movie.

The year is now 2002 and the movie is now finally mostly finished, a few editing concerns still to be ironed out. They took the film to many different film festivals, but the SideWalk Film Festival ( ) is the only one who accepted it - at seventy-three minutes it's too short to be a feature (per se) and too long to be a short.

Thankfully SideWalk accepted it and screened it - the presence of Amber Benson not only brought in more viewers, but it brought in more money for the town and for the festival to strengthen both, something that both Birmingham and the SideWalk Fest severely need.

When Amber came out for the Q&A session after the screening, she was greeted with a standing ovation.

Chance won the Audience Choice Award at the SideWalk Motion Picture Festival, 22 September, 2002.

*Personal Note*

Regardless of the fact that I am an admitted Amberholic, I was still afraid that the movie itself would be horrible...and I've heard that same feeling from quite a few other Amberholics. This isn't the fact, it was ten times better than I and the other Amberholics expected. It was truly funny and well worth what I'd personally gone through to get there.

Many congratulatory hugs to Amber Benson for a great work.

For selected pictures from the SideWalk Film Festival, go to: .

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