This is the Message Centre for what you know as km

What's this, no one online?

Post 1

what you know as km

Well... I never!

I'll just have to wait for everyone to get home... hmmmm, what to do until then... *turns digital camera over in hands thoughfully* smiley - winkeye

What's this, no one online?

Post 2


What to make of a digital camera... Hmm.

A hat? A nice brooch... A pterodactyl!

What's this, no one online?

Post 3

what you know as km

I don't have any pipe cleaners.

What's this, no one online?

Post 4

an apple tree

paper!! it's all in the......PAPER

What's this, no one online?

Post 5

Classic Krissy

Folded properly and squoze.

What's this, no one online?

Post 6

what you know as km

Squozen paper? Doesn't it get all.. crinklied?

What's this, no one online?

Post 7


Mmmmmm, crinklied. Gives it that nice antiquey look.

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