This is the Message Centre for what you know as km

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Post 1

what you know as km

...I finally did get down to writing that new entry I said I was going to write, and now it's written. So, erm... well I was going to say "so go read it," but... ahhh... okay, go read it, but only if you want to. smiley - smiley Otherwise... er, otherwise you'd better be doing something far more interesting, or I shall never forgive you...

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Post 2


Read and enjoyed. Especially the bit about pretentious bathers.

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Post 3

what you know as km

*waves* Hi Jonny!

Thank you. smiley - smiley

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Post 4


Are you going to submit it?

It's about time I submitted something new, I had my Zzzzzzzzzzzz article rejected (what a surprise!) by beeline and Ant the other day, that gives me a rather pathetic 1/3. I was thinking of writing something on golf, only quite a few people have already done that and I'd have had to do too much research to find out who said the things I wanted to quote. I'm a lazy git at heart. And on the surface too.

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Post 5

what you know as km

*shrug* It's submitted...

Ant AND beeline rejected it? That's pretty harsh innit? Most of us make do with one rejection...

No worries about your 1:3 ratio, anyway. I have three real entries on file, and I really only minorly contributed to all of them. I've written and submitted... erm, I don't know how many... but none has been accepted on its own merits. So... you know. smiley - smiley

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Post 6


No we didn't reject it personally, we we're just there when the rejection email was sent Jonny smiley - winkeye

I like the 'We' article, cool smiley - smiley

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Post 7


You went again? Cool! You better have said hi to everyone for me. smiley - winkeye

Jonny, 1/3 isn't that bad, really. While editing, I average about 20% acceptances, and the only Entries that don't have me credited as 'Editor' are Driving Etiquette and the Long Weekend, to which I only contributed a few lines apiece. To go from 33% to 20%, you could write *two* more and have them rejected, so you're well ahead of the curve. smiley - winkeye

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Post 8


Yes, but, well dammit, I should have let it lie after the first one was accepted! smiley - smiley

All right...

Post 9


That's the problem. The acceptance mail is kinda cool to get, so you want to keep getting it, right? smiley - winkeye

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