A Conversation for I'm fairly new in the business...

Peer Review: A832628 - I'm fairly new in the business...

Post 1

Ineffable, <Boing>-King!!!

Entry: I'm fairly new in the business... - A832628
Author: Researcher 203753 - U203753

I think I'm not exactly understanding yet, however, I will find some entries, read them, and get a general gist! I'm the Arthur-type, I fear! Good day all.. Ohh, and if anyone has seen Ford, are his blue suede shoes ECKO's? If they are, we got the same tastes....

A832628 - I'm fairly new in the business...

Post 2


Hello and welcome to h2g2. If you write an introduction, someone will come and greet you on your page.

You've submitted your article to the Edited Guide, which it's not suitable for. The edited guide is for factual entries, but there are plenty of other places to write about yourself and things that you are interested in.

If you want to write an article for the guide have a read of the Writing-Guidelines page. It'll give you all the info you need in order to write the sort of thing that's likely to be recommended for inclusion in the edited section of h2g2.

If you click on the banner at the top which says peer review (that green thing with the fish), you will come to a page which give a list of some of the articles in peer review. Next to your entry will be a remove button, and so takes this article out of peer review.

Please don't be put off and I hope you contribute more to the guide.

SallyM : -)

A832628 - I'm fairly new in the business...

Post 3


Sorry meant to say

SallyM smiley - smiley

A832628 - I'm fairly new in the business...

Post 4

Dr Hell

How come the first thing a newbie finds is peer review???

Y'know what, Dangfingers? Try reading the help pages. It's a bit of a tedious reading, I know, but in the end you'll understand why. Peer Review is not that kind of chat-room...

Welcome to h2g2, BTW... I'll be glad to see brilliant contributions from you here on PR. But first I think you will have to learn the ropes.

smiley - winkeye

PS: I'm going to get all the necessary links and post them here in a moment. In the meantime have a smiley - cake...

A832628 - I'm fairly new in the business...

Post 5

Dr Hell

Peer Review Mainpage:

Forum FAQ: http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/alabaster/DontPanic-ReviewForums

h2g2 FAQ:

Ejoy your reading.

smiley - cheersH

A832628 - I'm fairly new in the business...

Post 6

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Hello Dangfingers, and welcome to your first trip through Peer Review. Unfortunately it won't be a particularly fruitful one smiley - sadface

There are two types of entry at h2g2 - those which are intended for inclusion in the edited section of h2g2 - 'The Guide' - and those which aren't. Either way, they all become part of The Guide, but it's only the entries for the Edited Guide which need to be put through Peer Review, to be picked at by other researchers until ready for sending off to the editors. All others are simply pieces you write for your own enjoyment.

These two pages will help you to get an idea of what's required for the Edited Guide - Writing-Beginners and <Writing-Guidelines</.>

In either case you can write about anything you like, as long as it stays within the <./>HouseRules</.>

A832628 - I'm fairly new in the business...

Post 7

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Of course, I meant Writing-Guidelines smiley - blush. And where did you two pop up from in the time it took me to write that last post smiley - huh

A832628 - I'm fairly new in the business...

Post 8

Dr Hell

smiley - nahnah You should refresh more often, Gosho, or use that POPUPCONVERSATIONS thingey...


A832628 - I'm fairly new in the business...

Post 9

Dr Hell

smiley - ermsmiley - winkeye that was...


A832628 - I'm fairly new in the business...

Post 10

Ineffable, <Boing>-King!!!

Thanx everybody.. Honnest, peer stuff and ACE and edited versions and new edited entry in the style of factual emergency procedures and all that is quite baffling the first time around. I'll make sure to stop mistakingly writting in the wrong places... eventually, I will contribute interesting, well-placed material... thanx again!

A832628 - I'm fairly new in the business...

Post 11

Dr Hell

no problem. Just make sure you checkout the links we just gave you!

smiley - winkeye

A832628 - I'm fairly new in the business...

Post 12

Ineffable, <Boing>-King!!!

Will do... hey, how about making donuts and cakes and faces with the special XML format??? How's it work?

A832628 - I'm fairly new in the business...

Post 13

Dr Hell

click on the smiley and ye shall see.

smiley - biggrinH

A832628 - I'm fairly new in the business...

Post 14

Ineffable, <Boing>-King!!!

too frigging coool smiley - blacksheep

A832628 - I'm fairly new in the business...

Post 15

Dr Hell

Y'know what next? You should take this thread off Peer Review (PR). To do that go to the PR-'homepage' (by clicking that greeney banner with the fish on the bike), find this thread in the list (you might need to click on the 'show more conversations' link several times. There should be a link or button (depending on the skin you are using) called 'Remove this entry'. Click that.

Thanks. If you have more questions/troubles/comments don't hesitate to bop me note at my space - I am unsubscribing this thread, so I will not know when or if you answer.



A832628 - I'm fairly new in the business...

Post 16

Whoami - iD dislikes punctuation

Hell - new Researchers default to the Brunel skin - so they don't have the banner.

Instead, Ineffable, you should click on 'Peer Review' in the toolbar on the left of your page - the one with the yellow letters - and follow the rest of Hell's instructions.

Good luck! smiley - smileysmiley - cake

A832628 - I'm fairly new in the business...

Post 17

Dr Hell

Brunel is as ugly as my dog's back!!!

A832628 - I'm fairly new in the business...

Post 18

Whoami - iD dislikes punctuation

I couldn't possibly comment. It is, however, the default skin, and so it's what new Researchers see. That's why all the volunteers were asked to learn how it works...

Whoami? smiley - cake

A832628 - I'm fairly new in the business...

Post 19


I havn't got a good enough memory to remember different skins, so I have taken to using Brunel now. Its not that bad once you get used to it. Give yourself the chalenge to use it for a week and see what happens! Good luck!


A832628 - I'm fairly new in the business...

Post 20

Whoami - iD dislikes punctuation

smiley - biggrinsmiley - cake

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