A Conversation for I'm fairly new in the business...

A832628 - I'm fairly new in the business...

Post 21

The Apprentice

Can Ineffable or someone else please remove this from Peer Review... smiley - ta ?

The Apprentice
smiley - scientist

A832628 - I'm fairly new in the business...

Post 22

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

Yessir/mam, provided that there's a seconding voice from another Scout!

A832628 - I'm fairly new in the business...

Post 23


I'll gladly second, Bossel.

A832628 - I'm fairly new in the business...

Post 24

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

smiley - alesmiley - stout

A832628 - I'm fairly new in the business...

Post 25

Whoami - iD dislikes punctuation

smiley - drunk I'll third that...
*gargles pumpkin wine*

smiley - pumpkinsmiley - cake

A832628 - I'm fairly new in the business...

Post 26


That would be the 3rd, Bossel. Do you have any life outside PR? smiley - winkeye


A832628 - I'm fairly new in the business...

Post 27

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

Oh yes I have! After all, I need some time offline to write entries smiley - winkeye

A832628 - I'm fairly new in the business...

Post 28

Ineffable, <Boing>-King!!!

First thing I found was How to change it...lmao

I'll remove this posting from peer review...

A832628 - I'm fairly new in the business...

Post 29

Whoami - iD dislikes punctuation

smiley - drunk Fourthed! smiley - online2longsmiley - cake

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