This is the Message Centre for Chipc3

Ace Calling...

Post 1


Hi there! And welcome to h2g2. smiley - disco My name is Solnushka and I am one of the volunteer ACEs, which basically means that I flit around greeting new researchers like yourself, spelling really badly in the process and helping out wherever I can.

Memphis sounds so exotic! But while I had, of course heard about the Elvis/blues connection, I'm intreigued by the one with the barbque... Inquiring minds need to know more!

Anyway, if you have any questions about this place, please do hit the reply button below and ask away. Go on, you know you want to...

Here are a couple of links in the meantime, but feel free to ignore them if you have already found them. Or just ignore them smiley - winkeye :

Ask h2g2, where you can ask anything except 'What is the meaning of life, the universe and everything?' : <./>Askh2g2</.>

The h2g2 newspaper, The Post, which as well as being a hugely entertaining read also has pages of usful links. I see you've found somewhere to hang already but here, too is a page to all sorts of other clubs, gangs, societies and cliques you can join here: <./>ThePost</.>

Ace Calling...

Post 2


You must live in a very boring place if you think Memphis sounds exciting. As for the barbeque, my first suggestion is for you to visit Memphis because the translation doesn't do it justice. Memphis is known for dry rack ribs! Sounds scrumptious doesn't it. Actually what we do here is take all of the seasonings from the barbeque sauce and massage the seasonings directly into the ribs, then baste over an open spit. What you end up with is meat so tender it can literally fall off the bone and no need for excessive napkins. The dry rack is a thing of perfection. Once you try, you will never desire traditional saucy and sloppy barbeque again.

Since I don't know where you live it may not be possible for you to visit Memphis for lunch. Therefore visit to have them fed ex you the seasoning and cooking instructions. Not as good as made in Memphis but usually alot cheaper!

P.s. I don't work for Corky's and am not receiving any compensation for this recommendation.

Ace Calling...

Post 3


No, No. Stop! I'm positively drooling. smiley - biggrin I'm quite tempted by Corky's but I'm not sure fed exing the stuff all the way to Russia is really cost effective... smiley - laugh

What I figure I'll do is try and persuade you to write a guide entry on the subject and I can take it from there smiley - ok

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