A Conversation for Feet

feet bacteria

Post 1

Researcher 40032

I feel that there should be some reference to "stuff that can grow on your feet if you shower in public showers" or something of that sort...

well... reply

feet bacteria

Post 2


is recommended to shower with items on feet called shower shoes.
is said to protect unwary feet from invisible dangers

feet bacteria

Post 3

Fredie Ghooouulashhhh

smiley - bigeyes
smiley - winkeye
smiley - fish

feet bacteria

Post 4

ReapeR (Weevium Mortus Eradicus)

how do you clean your feet then?

feet bacteria

Post 5

TechnicolorYawn (Patron Saint of the Morally Moribund)

smiley - sadface

feet bacteria

Post 6


smiley - smiley

feet bacteria

Post 7


smiley - winkeye

feet bacteria

Post 8


If you insist...it's not just the bacteria...fungi are more of a problem!
Athlete's foot is caused by a delightful collection of bugs like Trichophyton, Streptococcus and others (the names of which I've forgotten).
These lovelies enjoy the moisture, warmth and food your feet provide, rewarding their host by breaking down the cellulose in the skin, making it peel and itch.
Apologies to those of you who could have lived without that knowledge!

feet bacteria

Post 9

Fredie Ghooouulashhhh

What about blue anarkic mushrooms?

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