This is the Message Centre for darakat - Now with pockets!

Blody Oaths!

Post 21


And the more complicated ones have found that wall and have been beating their heads against it for a century before the revolution.

Blody Oaths!

Post 22

darakat - Now with pockets!

Yes, of course!

Blody Oaths!

Post 23


One would think it was more complex.

Blody Oaths!

Post 24

darakat - Now with pockets!

you would wouldn't you

Blody Oaths!

Post 25



Blody Oaths!

Post 26

darakat - Now with pockets!

Such wondrous knowledge you posses

Blody Oaths!

Post 27


Thank you, O Minion.

Blody Oaths!

Post 28

darakat - Now with pockets!

I gladly I gladly obey oh mistress, is this a good time to ask for a pay rise?

Blody Oaths!

Post 29


Why in tarnation would you get a pay raise, you slovenly lout?

Blody Oaths!

Post 30


Damn. Wrong thread. I thought this was the cussing club thread. smiley - blush

Blody Oaths!

Post 31

darakat - Now with pockets!

I think you just couldn't miss the opportunity to call be a lout

Blody Oaths!

Post 32


Actually not, which makes it sound even sillier.

Blody Oaths!

Post 33

darakat - Now with pockets!

Ah ok then, as long as we have that clear we can get on with the topic at hand, white or black socks?

Blody Oaths!

Post 34


No contest, WHITE.

Blody Oaths!

Post 35

darakat - Now with pockets!

pity they have all been eaten by a brown creature i know

Blody Oaths!

Post 36

Flying Betty- Now with added nickname tag!

I just hope that brown creature has better sense than to eat white socks in the same meal as black shoes. Major social faux pas there.

Blody Oaths!

Post 37

darakat - Now with pockets!

yeah well any second now you will ask "what cussing thing?"

Blody Oaths!

Post 38


Jambalaya is always nice.

Blody Oaths!

Post 39

darakat - Now with pockets!

What is it?

Blody Oaths!

Post 40


Sort of a soup, sort of a stew.

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