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The 51st Star

Post 1

darakat - Now with pockets!

Onwards again and forward march young man your off to the war
the general said
I stood up and looked north and
I started to sing....

The 51st star to the north of laugh I look towards the
The 51st star I have hope that you shall lead me
I sit and hope and live and say that everything will be alright some day

They argue in my house to say that I am not a mouse
It all sounds fatuous
I don't give a saturday arthernoon away
In the north of spain
To the sound of the gun fire
to the sound of the picalo
to the sound of the drum
drum drum drum drum
beating its beat like it does
in the sound of the lake
the color of smell
the taste of yellow
and the night of the full moon that shines oh so brightly

The 51st star to the north of laugh I look towards the
The 51st star I have hope that you shall lead me
I sit and hope and live and say that everything will be alright some day

The song that was sung by the campfire that night
it would melt your face
and give you fright
it was the saddest sight

if you look to the west when the sun sets
you will see the 51st star
it will be fighting
fighting for your death
on your soil
with your age long and you eyes low
with you knifes still out and your mind still set
it wasn't the right thing to do
but you don't care
its just the same
you never knew me
you never knew love
you never knew any f***ing thing!

The 51st star to the north of laugh I look towards the
The 51st star I have hope that you shall lead me
I sit and wonder what the point was

The 51st Star

Post 2


the color of smell
the taste of yellow

Curiously familiar.

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