This is the Message Centre for darakat - Now with pockets!

What the smeg has happend to everyone?

Post 1

darakat - Now with pockets!

No-one has posted for like 2 days, I know there is more to life than h2g2 but why can't everyone else be in a lull when I am.

What the smeg has happend to everyone?

Post 2


hey, i was in kentucky. boy dogs are more important than human boys at the moment. whenever im on, no one else is. deal.

What the smeg has happend to everyone?

Post 3

darakat - Now with pockets!

riiiiiiiggggggghhhhhhtttt... eh... Actuly I understand this...How is another far more complicated question which cannot be spoken apon in a PG time slot.

What the smeg has happend to everyone?

Post 4

Flying Betty- Now with added nickname tag!

Fall Break. Spent a weekend not at school with my very own computer on all the time, but I'm back now. Muah ha ha!

What the smeg has happend to everyone?

Post 5


isnt it exciting when you understand something you shouldnt?

What the smeg has happend to everyone?

Post 6

darakat - Now with pockets!


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