This is the Message Centre for darakat - Now with pockets!

The Loop.

Post 81

Flying Betty- Now with added nickname tag!

But you're still in your own loop, so where are we then?

The Loop.

Post 82


i think youre experiencing the eternal hamster wheel effect.

The Loop.

Post 83

darakat - Now with pockets!

As a quote whould do right now I quote this from a Tames Cartoon serries about peguins, it was related to Viter and Hugo.

"Mummy!... Mummy! My balls got somthing a bit daft in it! Mummy! Do you love me?"

The Loop.

Post 84

darakat - Now with pockets!

As a quote whould do right now I quote this from a Tames Cartoon serries about peguins, it was related to Viter and Hugo.

"Mummy!... Mummy! My balls got somthing a bit daft in it! Mummy! Do you love me?"

The Loop.

Post 85



The Loop.

Post 86

darakat - Now with pockets!


The Loop.

Post 87



The Loop.

Post 88

darakat - Now with pockets!

goes the kane toad.

The Loop.

Post 89


squish squish went the little green frog.

The Loop.

Post 90

darakat - Now with pockets!

one day.

The Loop.

Post 91


you know that song?

The Loop.

Post 92

darakat - Now with pockets!

yes. Playschool still remains in my mind. I can remeber my primary schools song, in fact I can acvtuly remeber primary shcool! mmm Eculiptus drops...

The Loop.

Post 93


that must be an international song. eucaliptus drops? blegh if im thinking about what youre thinking about.

The Loop.

Post 94

darakat - Now with pockets!

They where real ecualiptus drops mmmm you can taste the poision...

The Loop.

Post 95


blegh. anniseed is yummy.

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