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Post 1

darakat - Now with pockets!

I have spent almost all day procastinating. I am really annoyed at that becuase of the ammount of work I could have done, however there is of course the fact i have no idea what next to do with any of my assignments. No I am sorry I have no idea what else I can do when "Exploring and anaylsing the extent to which understnadings relating to communication ay be orginised between simple dichotomies such as those through freedom and control" nor do I know how to "Blade Runner has been described as a distopic "tech noir" text, dicuss with refrence to visual style, genral charteristics and meaning" ad of course we can't forget the ST2 assingment 2 which reads:

"You are required to write a Win32 Console application that implements a "producer-consumer" interaction via a circular buffer, using two threads for the producer and the consumer.  Algorithms for this interaction have been given in lectures.

The producer thread will generate characters which will be passed via the buffer to the consumer.  The producer thread will generate 32 such characters, then terminate.   The consumer thread will obtain and process 32 characters from the buffer, then terminate.  The producer simulates a lengthy process of "producing" a character by calling Sleep for a random time.  The consumer simulates a lengthy process of "consuming" a retrieved character by calling Sleep for a random time.

The producer may obtain each character to be delivered from a fixed text string that you build into the program.  Both the producer and consumer should display at all times on the screen what they are doing.  For example the producer should display its status of "generating" a character or "waiting" to deliver one to the buffer.  The consumer should display its status of "consuming" a character or "waiting" to receive a character from the buffer.  Both should maintain an updated display of all the characters they have produced or consumed to date.

The random intervals mentioned should be between 100mS and 1100mS, although you may wish to vary these ranges to experiment with "the consumer getting ahead" or "the producer getting ahead".

The buffer should hold 8 characters, but you may wish to vary this to a smaller value (e.g. 2 or even 1) to exaggerate the effects of either the producer or consumer "getting ahead" of the other.  Two files Buffer.h and Buffer.c are provided.  Buffer.h provides prototypes for the buffer management functions.   Buffer.c contains skeletons of these functions that you must fill out (adding file scope globals as required).

The main thread of the application should initialise, start the two threads, then wait for them both to terminate before closing down.  A skeleton for this main function is provided in Ass2P.c

To build this application, first create a folder for the application.  Copy the supplied files into this folder (screen.h, screen.c, buffer.h, buffer.c and Ass2P.c). Create an empty Win32 Console Application in the new folder.  Add the files to the project.  Now work on modifying buffer.c and Ass2P.c to add the required functionality. "

And thats just the pass version! (actuly I have already coded this, but I can't compile windows API apps on the mac I use as far as I am aware).

I have come across the problem... Mr Director what is my motivation? What do I get out of it? why should I do these assignements and complete them? Well there are a few things that can motivate me:

Degree. You get a degree. Two in fact.

Job. Degree = job

Job = money = ability to afford stuff

Well thats not all that should motivate me apprently, I am ment to have more motivation other that "just becuase I get money and a job". Apprently I am ment to like it! OH REALLY? and how many people can you say have ever say, liked school? or say liked working at McDonnalds or perhaps how many people liked loosing there jobs in the grate depression? Well? Can you answer that? Welll... Yes some people do, its possible, masarcists.

Damm. I am still ment to find some sort of... well motivational stuff, when I do I will get back to you.

Enjoy the sliced banna.


Post 2

Flying Betty- Now with added nickname tag!

If you ever find yourself lacking motivation, you should write a song about your project or make an interprative dance about it and hope that a telent scout will find you and offer a million dollar contract, and then you don't need to worry about degrees or money and women will swoon at your feet.

But then again, I am not known for my motivational skills either. I am motivated by time crunches, so procrastinate until just past the last possible minute to do a really good job. If I feel guilty I do something vaguely productive or good for me but utterly unrelated to the assignement at hand.


Post 3

darakat - Now with pockets!

but thats wha I always do :P


Post 4

Flying Betty- Now with added nickname tag!

Sounds like you're right on track then smiley - smiley

School just started up here and I don't have any work yet and I'm at a loss for things to do since I don't have any work quite yet and I don't know what to do with myself without something looming over me.


Post 5

darakat - Now with pockets!

Ok well.... Essays alwyas make up the hard work.


Post 6

Flying Betty- Now with added nickname tag!

I'm ok with most things up to a length of about three pages. Don't even think about asking me to write anything longer than that. Of course, this time I have no courses that require any essays at all. ...Yay, I hadn't thought about that!...


Post 7

darakat - Now with pockets!

Yeah but I do, so it doesn't help me :P.


Post 8


why dont you live in the woods and go cannabalistic?


Post 9

Flying Betty- Now with added nickname tag!

Or just write a paragraph, chew on it so that the entire paper is unreadable, and claim that you were starving in the desert and that would give you a revelation.


Post 10

darakat - Now with pockets!

Hullubuluza! Igcognito! Instanceation! Anotherverybigword!

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