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I am 20 Today.

Post 1

darakat - Now with pockets!

Thats right everybody I am 20 years old as of 3:00 this morning. Thus I am not 20 years old 5 hours 49 minutes and x seconds old. That means that I will be celibrating as a no longer being a teenager! YAY!. Just 365 days 19 hours 21 minutes and x seconds until I am 21 years old.
For my b day I got:
- Serries 2 DVD of Red Dwarf
- T-shirt and Tie.
- Some money that will be in the mail come monday (Logical choice here I come)
- A wallet
- A night out at a Veitmanese restruant with my family
- A hug from my puppy (YEAH!)
- 1 peice of linen closet fluff that kept me up till 12:30 last night!

So you darakat followers out there reading this are now aware that I was born at 3:00 on th 23rd of August 1983 and feel sorry for my poor mother who gave birth to me at that time (sorry mum!).

Anyway enjoy the cake.

I am 20 Today.

Post 2


happy birthday. but, followers? how come i wasnt informed??

I am 20 Today.

Post 3

darakat - Now with pockets!

Sorry. I didn't inform you, I must remeber to do that next time. To make up for it I will send a nice cute picture of my ada. Awww...

As an additional I now have Strata by Terry Pratchett, The Animatrix. Join us agian for some more addidtionals soon.

Enjoy the cheese.

I am 20 Today.

Post 4


Ada...awwww... I'm happy.

Happy birthday anway.

Enjoy the marbles.

I am 20 Today.

Post 5

darakat - Now with pockets!

Yes well In addidional addidional I got some really funky headphones! mmmm sterophonic landsacpes.

I am 20 Today.

Post 6


funky headphones are always good. do they sound well?

I am 20 Today.

Post 7

darakat - Now with pockets!

Sound well? These things can do sounds beyond the human hearing range! They also have a massive hrzt rating!! YAY! of course. My brother got them for me, he whould have setteld for nothing less that the best headphones that money can by.

I am 20 Today.

Post 8


im guessing theyre lovely then. im also guessing that there is little sibling discontent when presents are involved. now what you can do with your groovy headphones is put them on ada...

I am 20 Today.

Post 9

Flying Betty- Now with added nickname tag!

OK, I'm a bit late but happy birthday and yay for not being a teenager anymore!!!!! And just in case you were wondering, you have the same birthday as my roommate only she just turned 21 but that doesn't do me much good since she doesn't drink.

I am 20 Today.

Post 10

darakat - Now with pockets!

Well drink is not nessasaryliy required for being drunk, some how some people manage to get "drunk" on a vodka and cola, where as I don't get drunk on an entire bottle of gin... or rather did and didn't notice it.

I am 20 Today.

Post 11

Flying Betty- Now with added nickname tag!

I am of the former type; one or two drinks is plenty to send me reeling. I also have the tendency to get drunk on life, thus alcohol is not really necessary in most cases.

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