This is the Message Centre for Hypatia

Hypatia: NaJoPoMo 28/30

Post 1


We survived Black Friday and now have to contend with Cyber Monday. I've already had dozens of advertisements in my inbox and dozens moe in the spam folder. Every company I've ever ordered from has sent me at least 4. smiley - sigh

Notice to advertisers (and this goes doubly for telephone solicitors) -- Do you really think that annoying me will cause me to buy something from you?

Hypatia: NaJoPoMo 28/30

Post 2

Candi - now 42!

smiley - lurk

Hypatia: NaJoPoMo 28/30

Post 3

LL Waz

Last week someone touting for business rang me 15 minutes before a meeting I needed to prepare for. I said so, that I really didn't have time. She said she understood. And proceeded to ask detailed questions! They want to give IT systems advice and support, having a complete disregard for my priorities and timetable doesn't make them a company I'd want to work with. Completely bemusing.

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