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Hypatia: NaJoPoMo 9/30

Post 1


My topic today is conformational bias. This happens when we read or hear something that agrees with what we already believe or want to believe and as a result we don’t hold the researcher/reporter to the same standards of proof as we would if we disagreed with their conclusions. I am guilty of this upon occasion as I suspect are most people.

Case in point. This afternoon a woman I respect came in, plopped down in my office and announced that Smellfungus is an idiot. I did not challenge her conclusions or ask her to give any sort of evidence to substantiate her remark. After she left it occurred to me that she was being a bit harsh. Smellfungus is a conniving, self-important, manipulative liar and very likely the spawn of the devil. But she isn’t an idiot.

According to Webster’s an idiot is “a feebleminded person having a mental age not exceeding three years and requiring complete custodial care.” Smellfungus is of normal intelligence. Custodial care would be good for her, but it isn’t absolutely required.

Nope, she isn’t an idiot. She’s just evil.

Hypatia: NaJoPoMo 9/30

Post 2

Deep Doo Doo

And I would counter that 'evil' people rape babies and torture animals.

But then, I've never met Smellfungus. Or you. Or any of your colleagues.

From which input should I draw a conformational bias?

BTW, smiley - book'ed and enjoyed - an interesting debate could be had here. smiley - ok

Hypatia: NaJoPoMo 9/30

Post 3


I suppose the only way you could be sure about Smellfungus and the rest of us would be to come visit and observe then draw a conclusion based upon your own observations.

Actually, it could be an interesting discussion. Not about the woman we call Smellfungus, but about the way we believe what we want to believe.

Hypatia: NaJoPoMo 9/30

Post 4


I fear you've been getting some negative vibration

Thing is, you see what you want to see, and you hear what you want to hear


Hypatia: NaJoPoMo 9/30

Post 5


What a great clip. Thanks for that. smiley - smiley

As for negative vibration coming from Smellfungus, that is an understatement. smiley - sigh

Hypatia: NaJoPoMo 9/30

Post 6


Hypatia: NaJoPoMo 9/30

Post 7


smiley - devil

Hypatia: NaJoPoMo 9/30

Post 8

Deep Doo Doo


I think that's the wider issue here.

People like Smellfungus and 'the rest of' us/you/me are common-place. There's millions of us on the planet and we are all weird, unique and quirky in our own, different, ways.

Yet, as an 'individual' I still have prejudice. Some races I can relate too, others I abhor, but all these races are populated by humans. Do I treat any one human differently to another because of bias? Yes, undoubtedly.

Is my bias correct? I'd say, emphatically, No!

Do I respond to situations that are developed/engineered by peers that will affect my behaviour and judgement toward others? Yes, embarrasingly, I do.

Am I right, though? No.

More on this tomorrow - I've had a bucket-full of this exact-same situation thrown at me today; I'd like to gather my thoughts and respond later. smiley - ok

Hypatia: NaJoPoMo 9/30

Post 9


Great. I'll look forward to it. I absolutely agree with everything you've said. I recognize bias in myself yet often seeem unable to eliminate it.

Hypatia: NaJoPoMo 9/30

Post 10


Problematically, I am automatically biased against anyone who a friend of mine has a problem with. I think I assume if I like A, I also trust A's judgement, so if A thinks B is a pill, B is probably really a pill. If I don't trust someone's judgement, I tend not to make friends with them. So I am cheerfully assuming I'd also find Smellfungus to be a total Smellfungus. Perhaps we're really long-lost soul-mates, but my fondness for you, dear Hyp, will blind me to this when I finally get to visit Little Doodah?

In professional life, I am that annoying Pollyanna type who is constantly making excuses for people - perhaps X was grumpy because she's not been well, perhaps Y was scatty because he's very tired, I'm sure Z didn't mean it like that, she's got a heart of gold under that brusque exterior. Meanwhile, I'm THINKING X should get a grip and stop taking out her snits on innocent bystanders, and Y should just go the hey to bed of an evening, careless oaf, and Z is a bitch and that is final. I keep trying to talk myself out of bias and I can't. Deep down, I am biased as HECK.

Hypatia: NaJoPoMo 9/30

Post 11

Titania (gone for lunch)

I was going to post something completely different, but I got sidetracked wondering what exactly is the difference between 'biased' and 'predujiced'? From a linguistical point of view, see...

Hypatia: NaJoPoMo 9/30

Post 12


Bias is the default attitude.

Bias we are born with, balance we achieve.

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