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Changing sides

Post 21

Spaceechik, Typomancer

Is it Fox that's asking or is this part of their ongoing battle with Cablevision over excessive fees to carry the Fox channels? That battle has been on for at least 4 months now, with a number of Fox channels already dropped, because Fox won't pay the higher fees.

Either way, not a big deal for me -- no TV, and I watch everything online. If Cablevision and Dish haven't been carrying Fox, it's no skin off my nose!

RE the teams demanding all kinds of cash from the cities they play in -- that's the main reason LA hasn't had an American football team for over a decade now. They still go on about building a new stadium, but there's nothing wrong with the ones we have, except that the Coliseum doesn't have enogh luxury boxes for them! smiley - cross I've been to the Coliseum for a number of events -- USC football when my husband was a student, the Olympics in '84, the World Cup a while back and a Rolling Stones concert. It was just fine, then and now that they're giving in to pressure it may be retired anyway. smiley - sadface

Changing sides

Post 22


I have a cable company called Cable One, which I'm very happy with, by the way. They still have Fox. Syn has Dish, so he's lost FSN,FX and National Geographic. FSN is the channel that shows all the Cardinal's baseball games and the Mizzou and other Big 12 sports. So he is quite annoyed. It doesn't matter if Fox is holding the gun or Dish, the consumer is the one who suffers. Syn can come to my house to watch, but he has a 50" screen and I have a 32" one. Guess which one he prefers. smiley - laugh

Last night's game didn't produce the result I wanted, but it was a fun game to watch. Gawd I love baseball.

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