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Hyp the Hermit

Post 141

Lady Chattingly

Cossetting! Great term! May I borrow it?

As for Hyp tagging along with me and my friends, she fit it with us very well. She was more mature than her classmates and she had the same crazy sense of humor we all had! (Still does, for that matter.)
As for the two classmates who came to dinner, one is quieter and more reserved, but the other one is just as boisterous as she was when we were in school. It was fun! Many thanks to Hyp for helping me with it.

I took catfish, green beans and potatoes, and two kinds of wine. Hyp brought some delicious bread and berries with pound cake and whipped cream for dessert. One of the guests brought cole slaw and the other brought deviled eggs. She raises chickens so the eggs were "home grown" so to speak. I want some chickens, yes, I do!

Hyp the Hermit

Post 142


I'm old enough that the top prioroty of most of the popular girls in my class was to get married as soon as they graduated. And a lot of them did. These are the ones for the most part who haven't actually accomplished much. The vast majority of them have been divorced at least once. Which stands to reason. That's too young for most people to be able to successfully pick out a mate for life. Especially when the main qualities you're looking for are whether or not someone is on th efootball team. smiley - rolleyes

Those of us who went on to college and careers were the ones "not lucky enough to catch a husband at 18." It isn't that I've exactly set the world on fire, but I'll match my accomplishments with any of them.

Hyp the Hermit

Post 143


priority smiley - sigh One of my accomplishments is not being a good typist.

My pleasure, Sis. It was fun. smiley - biggrin

Hyp the Hermit

Post 144

Lady Chattingly

I wasn't one of the "married at 18" set either. And as for the remark made about children of divorce, that's a bunch of balderdash!

A person gets out of a marriage exactly what he brings into it.

Lord C. and I have been married 43 years. We've been "together" 45.
We're still having fun! smiley - biggrin

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