This is the Message Centre for Hypatia

Time to Vote

Post 1


I hope everyone on my friends list has already voted for president of h2g2. If not, the instructions are at A5889261. You can vote for just one candidate or you can rank as many as you want in order of preference. I naturally hope you vote for me and Jodan, but I so believe in representative democracy, that I would rather have you vote for someone else in the top spot than not to vote at all. smiley - angel

Knowing that we have the support of so many of you has made this a really positive experience. I've had a lot of fun with the election. So, win or lose, I thank you all.

Time to Vote

Post 2

Researcher 198131

Good luck, Hyp.
I've got everything crossed.

smiley - elf

Time to Vote

Post 3


Even I got my vote given eventually, even though I am not really into the whole campaign. smiley - laugh

Time to Vote

Post 4

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

May the best entity win. smiley - smiley

Time to Vote

Post 5

David B - Singing Librarian Owl

*claws and feathers crossed* smiley - smiley

Time to Vote

Post 6


It's pretty hard to cross hooves, but as you know, the sheep of Ohio are pulling for ya H smiley - smiley

smiley - blacksheep

Time to Vote

Post 7


I am very fond of Ohioan sheep. smiley - smiley

Time to Vote

Post 8


Most of us are fond of Ozorkan librarians.

Time to Vote

Post 9

Researcher 198131


smiley - elf

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