A Conversation for Corruption: A Contagious Social Disease.

Peer Review: A33411269 - Corruption: A Contagious Social Disease.

Post 1


Entry: Corruption: A Contagious Social Disease. - A33411269
Author: jrnjames - U11233562

We are all Teachers and Learners.

A33411269 - Corruption: A Contagious Social Disease.

Post 2

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Hi jrnjames, welcome to Peer Review and h2g2smiley - towel

I thought this was going to be an Entry about politicians and/or expenses, so I'm a bit disappointed smiley - sadface

I could have sworn this was 2008!

We have a help page for writers, it's full of guidelines to give you an idea of what we're looking to fill the Guide with. Having read your piece through, it's not going to progress in the way you have presented it. We don't accept first-person articles (unless it's someone's battle against cancer, or something like that) and opinion pieces (like this) are discouraged. Perhaps you'd care to read through the <./>writing-guidelines</.> and we'd be happy to see you again smiley - smiley

Galaxy Babe
smiley - starsmiley - diva

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Peer Review: A33411269 - Corruption: A Contagious Social Disease.

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