This is the Message Centre for Loup Dargent

hello there..

Post 1


smiley - smileyhi,
im an old LDer...
on pc now,
found your page,
and had to say WOW

you brought a smile to my face,
you brought back memories to,
just thought i'd say HELLO,
and a big THANK YOUsmiley - biggrin
smiley - cheers

hello there..

Post 2

Loup Dargent

smiley - cheers

I haven't done much updating lately but when i'm back on the PC i intend to do some... So hopefully there will be more stuff to read [well, they will be mainly links really...smiley - whistle but they will err link to stuff to be read...smiley - biggrin] soon...smiley - cracker

Talk soon...smiley - surfer

And Happy New Year...smiley - bubbly

loupsmiley - fullmoon

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