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World Cup Final

Post 1

Trout Montague

They don't come around very often. I shall be among the mungo faithful at Suncorp tonight.

Hopefully we don't get blown/washed away ...

World Cup Final

Post 2


I believe the official term is smiley - snork

World Cup Final

Post 3

Skankyrich [?]

I didn't see the result. Could someone kindly post a few links to various match reports so I can catch up with events? Right here on Trout's journal is probably the best place.

World Cup Final

Post 4

Trout Montague

Playing uphill into the wind against 14 men etc etc etc.

I suppose at least England can console themselves with the fact that they lost twice to the Kiwis and only once to the Aussies during the tournament which must count for something.

When do they play off against Fiji for third place? Should be a close game.

World Cup Final

Post 5

Trout Montague

Completing the quinella over a weekend in Brisbane would have been a nice touch.


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