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Lunar Power

Post 1

Trout Montague

I am advised in writing by eminent pagan Phillip Adams AO that Prime Minister Kevin VII-XI wishes me to take part in an experiment. From now on the intellectual elite will promote the subtlty and elegance of lunar power instead of the showy vulgarity of solar.

I can straightaway see benefits of this since it is at night that we need the lights on: not in the daytime when the sun is shining. That said I will write back to Phillip to tell him that the illuminati will be focussing their efforts on the dazzling light which emanates from Uranus.

Lunar Power

Post 2

Skankyrich [?]

But the moon is only in the night sky for half the time. I would suggest researching stellar power instead but, then, I'm not an intellectual.

Lunar Power

Post 3

Trout Montague

Lager Boy.

Lunar Power

Post 4

Skankyrich [?]

Took your time.

Lunar Power

Post 5

Trout Montague

It's comedic timing.

Lunar Power

Post 6

Skankyrich [?]

You should expand some of these ideas for The Post, you know. CRAP needs a platform for its ideas.

Lunar Power

Post 7

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit not intelarctual either
"Perhaps a bit of a technician smiley - smiley

Lunar Power smiley - erm actually would be Tidal Power, is already implemented in some sites. Drawback is the tides are only strong enough near the shore, inland they are quite useless. "

Lunar Power

Post 8

Trout Montague

I suppose the tides are equally strong inland, but there just isn't any water there. NASA have a device sufficiently sensitive to detect the tidal movement in a cup of tea.

Lunar Power

Post 9

Skankyrich [?]

What about large inland lakes, then? There would surely be movement with the tides in a large body of water on a still night.

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