A Conversation for The Ultimate Cocktail List


Post 1


A lot of cocktails, very nice ideas amoung this list. I would like to test through it. But to be honest, mostly a cocktail yust has to make yourself feel great and to make the people of the opposite sex look better. Additionally a good drink helps you to party on up till dawn or further...
Since people are to busy with dancing, singing, joking, shouting and paying attention to the opposite sex the afford to prepare a drink has to be minimized.
In the north of Germany you take a bit of "Korn" (spirit made from wheat)fill with a bit of coke and call it "Mischung". The Korn to Coke ratio is dependand on your mood, the time, the date, the goals to reach and so on. The drink is pretty simple and works well: you get alkohol and coffein with it.
There is a rule that a good Mischung can be analysed by reading the time from your watch through the filled glas, but be careful, this is knocking you out if there is not enough light at the bar...
In some areas "Weinbrand" (engl.: Brandy) is taken instead of Korn, then the Mischung is called "Charly".

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