This is the Message Centre for Barney.
TIMELORD Started conversation Jul 31, 2002
Hello and welcome to h2g2 we are a friendly bunch and like to greet the newcomers so i thought i would stop by and say hello.
We have a group called A.C.E.s there assistant community editors who will drop by and leave a few of these
They are very helpful like that but until one drops by if there is anything that you would like just reply to this message or drop by my homepage by clicking on my name and ask me there.
Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream Posted Jul 31, 2002
*waves* Hi Timelord..
hi Barney....welcome to h2g2..i'm of the many ACEs'..(Assistant Community Editors)..we're here to offer you a warm welcome..advice & links to help you find your way can click on any of the numbered links below..
have a ..
..put your feet up..relax..&..let your fingers do the walking..
you might like to hitch a ride on our tour..@ A317459
loads more smileys to choose from..@ A155909
the slang used here can be a bit confusung..h2jargon explains all..@ A632431
you can customise your space..using what is available through h2g2..i've not finished gives an idea of what's available..@ A768594
2..ACEs'..have created hints & links for new researchers..Feisor's..@ A719840 ..&..Rocket Man's..@ A725500
like most communities we have Clubs & Societies..find out about these..@ A660340
hope you find these helpful..& enjoy yourself reply to this 'reply' below..
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