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Welcome to h2g2, Ces...

Post 1

Floh Fortuneswell

My name is Floh and I am your ACE (Assistant Community Editor) here at h2g2.

ACEs are here to meet, greet, and assist new researchers, so if you have any questions:
please don't hesitate to ask by hitting the Reply-button at the end of this message, or you can leave a message on my space just by clicking on my name at the top of this message.

Some links you may find useful:

A317459 The h2g2-Tour
A632431 Dastardly's entry about the Jargon
<./>thepost</.> The Post

To create Smileys like smiley - bubblysmiley - starsmiley - magicsmiley - roseyou can follow the link:
<./>Smiley</.> or simply click on them to get to their code-page.

I have even more links to conversations on my own space.

That should keep you busy for a while smiley - smiley I am sure that you will love this community.
There's lots of things to see, conversations to join and people to meet - please don't be shy - just jump right in - this is a friendly place.
But be careful - it can become quite addictive smiley - tongueout

Welcome to h2g2, Ces...

Post 2

plato <surfer>

Hello Ces! *waves at Floh*

A big welcome from me, too! smiley - biggrin

Welcome to h2g2, Ces...

Post 3


Thanks a bunch! smiley - blush

This seems like a great place! (Reading the links you provided, thanks especially for the smiley page... It takes a while to learn the codes at a new place.)

smiley - biggrin I'm going to stay put for a looong while!

Welcome to h2g2, Ces...

Post 4

Floh Fortuneswell

smiley - cheers

Welcome to h2g2, Ces...

Post 5


Here ya go! smiley - cheers *hoping it's Guinness!*

By the way, are you a German Floh, or something else? Just wondering, since my head started to itch a few minutes ago...

Welcome to h2g2, Ces...

Post 6

Floh Fortuneswell

Exactly smiley - winkeye

Welcome to h2g2, Ces...

Post 7

esoteric epigram

hi Ces, i'm interested in Japan too, though i'm british and probably don't know as much about it as you i'd love to talk about it with you somewhere, and don't be afraid to howl, you never know you might get an answer

Welcome to h2g2, Ces...

Post 8


True, true... I might get an answer. I'll just have to try sometime, ne? And about Japan, I don't know much either - but I'd love to talk about the little I know.

By the way, nice name you have! Into anything esotherical?

Welcome to h2g2, Ces...

Post 9


Using guideML -
If you want to see how a page is constructed, replace the 'U' in front of the researcher number with 'testuserspace' e.g. U172782 becomes testuserspace172782 .
For entries just replace the 'A' with test e.g. test712595.
You can click on anything underlined and if you click on a smiley you will be instantly transported to the smiley page where you will see all the smileys you can use (which you already know). Some of the smileys on my page are links, so clicking on them will show you some of my contributions to h2g2. I use classic goo (the original colour of the h2g2 site before the beeb took over)

Alji smiley - zensmiley - wizardof the Red Dragon (Swynwr y Ddraig Goch) (conducting a sun sign poll at A712595)(Member of The Guild of Wizards U197895 looking for wiz kids to join, though you don't have to be a wiz kid just know a bit about some subject that you think will be of interest to others or just bore the pants off them. This is an equal opportunities space open to all sexes, ages and abilities)

Welcome to h2g2, Ces...

Post 10

esoteric epigram

well, i'm doing a media extended essay comparing studio ghibli (japanese animation studio) with Disney at the moment including looking at the whole of the 'anime' industry so i keep coming across stuff. as fro anything esoteric i'm not sure, i have a lot of private jokes which only a few people understand smiley - flyhi

Welcome to h2g2, Ces...

Post 11

plato <surfer>

Hello, everyone!

Are you German too, Ces? smiley - biggrin

Welcome to h2g2, Ces...

Post 12


Ahhhh! Comparisons that are so fun! :D Studio Ghibli... what have they done? Any well known anime?

Ach, nein Plato! I'm from Sweden, but I studied a little German a few years ago. Most of it have sadly disappeared now though.

Welcome to h2g2, Ces...

Post 13

plato <surfer>

smiley - laugh Oh well... smiley - winkeye

Welcome to h2g2, Ces...

Post 14

esoteric epigram

Princess Mononoko recently and perhapse most famously My neighbour Totoro and Laputa: the castle in the sky.

Welcome to h2g2, Ces...

Post 15


Oops I made a boo boo!
You need to type 'testuserpage', not 'testuserspace'. So the URL you'll need to test Rocket Man's user page (for example) is -

Alji smiley - zensmiley - wizard(Member of The Guild of Wizards @ U197895)smiley - surfer

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