A Conversation for A History of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation News Themes

Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A32938842 - A History of the ABC News themes

Post 1


Entry: A History of the ABC News themes - A32938842
Author: fyc - U944960

This entry is the product of about three or four years of casual research. I'm not sure how many media fora, books and sites I've scoured and I've read a good couple of dozen of the ABC's own annual reports, so this is as accurate an entry as I've been able to get it.

I hope it's a good entry and whoever pops around here likes it. I do have recordings of just about all of the themes mentioned in the article if that may improve the article in any way.

A32938842 - A History of the ABC News themes

Post 2

Keith Miller yes that Keith Miller

That's one in-depth look at old 'Auntie's' musical intro and from this Australian's POV a very interesting read.
I wonder if it might benefit from a few asides like mentioning the ABC's nickname (Auntie, or Aunty if you prefer) and perhaps some quotes from Famous Australians about the intro?

I'm not sure who you would find(if any)but it might be worth a look as I do remember people mentioning the fact that the intro immediately reminds them of home if they hear it while overseas.
One instance in popular entertainment where it was used, was in the film adaptation of David Williamson's play, 'The Odd Angry Shot' and if memory serves me right the scene in the movie has Graham Kennedy and a bunch of diggers singing the theme as in: Dah dah dahhh dittle diddy dah...dah daH DAHHHH. (excuse my singingsmiley - blush)

I hope this entry proceeds into PR and onto the EG.


A32938842 - A History of the ABC News themes

Post 3


Thanks for the comments, Keith. I'll definitely try and find some quotes about it. Not sure where, but there's bound to be something about it. I remember reading a news piece from 2005 about how this guy's dog used to howl to the tune of the Ansell/Wall TV News theme. smiley - biggrin

A32938842 - A History of the ABC News themes

Post 4

Keith Miller yes that Keith Miller

As this entry stands at the moment fyc, it seems to me ready to go into PR. What do you think? I reckon you've done a good job already and of course you'll get more feedback in there too.
Good point about the dog, I can't think of too many more anecdotes dealing with the theme but there may be more perhaps.
I wonder if anything could be gleaned from reading up on the first head of the ABC Sir Charles Moses and Sir Talbot Duckmanton?

Either way I really think this needs more people commenting on it than just me and PR might be the place.


A32938842 - A History of the ABC News themes

Post 5


What do I think? I wrote it - can't you guess my thoughts? smiley - laugh

I've got a book or two on the ABC (one of them's from the perspective of one of its head dudes during the '80s), so I'll search them as well.

I know at least one Uni library that carries ABC Annual Reports, so it may have extra stuff on the ABC.

I'll do a bit more research and writing over the next couple of weeks before I submit it to PR. I shall, of course, request of you your thoughts on it. smiley - biggrin

Cheers! *clink*

A32938842 - A History of the ABC News themes

Post 6


The author seems to be 'out for lunch' (smiley - elvis) at the moment, which is a shame since this looks more or less ready for PeerReview. What's the current policy for PR-worthy entries with missing authors?

Alex smiley - smiley

A32938842 - A History of the ABC News themes

Post 7


Ok, so the best route will probably be for someone to create a new entry using this one and take it through Peer Review. Any takers?

A32938842 - A History of the ABC News themes

Post 8


Ah, crap, I seem to have made a habit of taking extended lunches from Hootoo. My main problem with this entry at the moment is that I can't really find anything more on any of the themes. I did try to find out more in regards to Keith's suggestions, too, but found nothing.

So I'm not sure what I should do next. Keep taking it through the PR process?

A32938842 - A History of the ABC News themes

Post 9


I'd say take it out of here and put it in Peer Review. smiley - ok

A32938842 - A History of the ABC News themes

Post 10


Righto. Thanks for the help! smiley - hug

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