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Happy to you
Researcher 198131 Started conversation Dec 29, 2011
I hope everyone had a happy holiday season. I had a terrible cold leading up to Christmas. Then Christmas was great. We even had a white Christmas here in Melbourne! Not so good for some as the white was a ferocious hail storm. Lots of people suffered bad damage, but we were ok.
Boxing day and my cold returned with a vengeance! My head still feels awful, and throat is sore, but feels better than before so hopefully better in a couple of days.
Hubby just asked what I was doing, and told him I was on h2g2. He asked if I had told everyone we mentioned h2g2 on our podcast. I had totally forgot? On our last episode we reviewed the Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy and I gave a shout out to hoodoo.
Happy to you
Hypatia Posted Dec 29, 2011
Colds seem to hang on longer this year. I hope you're better soon.
I will have to download the software to get your podcast. But I will definitely do that.
I hope you have a wonderful 2012. I'm staying home New Year's Eve and being a boring old lady.
Popcorn and a movie! Oh, the excitement!
Happy to you
Researcher 198131 Posted Jan 4, 2012
Thanks, Hyp.
We ended up staying home too. Made the massive mistake of trying to go to work on NYE and was sent home ill (I had previously tried to take the day off as annual leave and been unable to so thought it would look suspicious if I called in sick).
I went home, it was very hot out. Once I made it up the hill & got home i flaked on the couch & slept for 3 hours or so. When I woke up I was all achy and hot. Hubby spread a sheet out on the couch got me out of my work clothes and put the air con on. Felt better for a while but then the vomiting came Hubby looked after me well and put alight movie on that kept me mildly entertained but didn't matter if I dozed. Went to bed around ten, but was woken by fireworks at midnight which we could see out our bedroom window (small pleasures
Doing much better now. Still have a chesty cough & staying home from work. Poor hubby has now come down with cold. I'm hoping his will be much milder.
If I hadn't been ill, we would've gone to a friends house for BBQ. Quite low key. Can't stand all those paties. Popcorn and a movie would've suited me equally as fine
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."