This is the Message Centre for Zaphod

Hello from your ACE...

Post 1


Hello and welcome to h2g2 smiley - smiley

I am one of the site's Aces and it is my job to meet and greet new researchers and make sure that they are ok and can find their way around the site.

A page well worth looking at is the <./>Welcome</.> page. Here you can find out some general information about the guide and links to help pages.

May I also suggest visiting the <./>GuideML-Clinic</.>. GuideML is the computer language that h2g2 uses, and this page will help you to fill your user space with all sorts of neat stuff smiley - cool

If you are wondering how to make the smiley pictures like smiley - biggrin then click on <./>Smiley</.> which will take you to a page which shows all the smileys.

If you are feeling a bit lost then clicking on <./>DontPanic</.> will take you to the help pages, or feel free to ask me by clicking on the reply button below, and I will do as much as I can to help smiley - ok

Hope that answers any querys you have for the moment.

Tonto smiley - cheers

Hello from your ACE...

Post 2


Thanks, i do have one question is Tonto you'r real name or you just a big lone-ranger fan.

Hello from your ACE...

Post 3


The answer is actually neither smiley - erm

I got given it as a nickname after I sent a birthday card to a friend which had a rude Lone Ranger and Tonto joke on the front smiley - biggrin

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