This is the Message Centre for Gusto
My Profile
Gusto Started conversation Jul 24, 2002
This is my ed up profile
Name: Bryan
Age: 16
Location: Falkirk
Sex: All the time.... i wish lol
Fave football team: Rangers
Other teams i like: Newcastle, Everton, Manchester City, Real Madrid, AC Milan.
Interests: Football, punk rock, My amazingly wonderful girlfriend LouiSeY, Sex lol
Physical Description: 5"5', skinny, muscley aswell though. Blue eyes, dark blonde hair,
Re:My Profile
AngelWhore[The Angelized Junkie] Posted Jul 24, 2002
Oooooh! baby, you sound really hot... asl plz?!
ooh! aint you dead sexy!
i LoVe YoU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My Profile
NOCTURNAL PULSE Posted Nov 15, 2002
My Profile
Loup Dargent Posted Feb 1, 2003
that was a nice welcome....
err... researcher with no name yet... it would be great if you could activate your space.... i've had a look at your personal space and it's obvious that you want to talk with us LDers... which is great...
we are willing to help you make sense of this site... tho' most of us are using a digibox, some of us do have PC access at times...
try to get in touch asap... and we will see what we can do to help you...?!...
you already know our page number U201567 [i've posted it again in case there are other LDers reading this thread...].. so talk soon... ?!
all the best...
ps: are you neil by the way?!...
ps:ps: you're welcome to have drink and a chat in our own virtual bar... "The FoLDers Arms" A913150 ...
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