This is the Message Centre for Reality Manipulator

UFO's. Aliens and crop circles

Post 41


I don't know what I meant. You said you were on the wrong thread. I was just standing here trying to look ornamental.

Don't have your hair cut, I like it the way it is!

UFO's. Aliens and crop circles

Post 42


Was this question actually answered? smiley - erm Big question, but seemed interesting.

UFO's. Aliens and crop circles

Post 43


I don't think it can be answered in any way with any degree of certainty. Beyond reasonable doubt.

Personally I believe that in such an immense universe, life exists. Haven't seen any signs of it myself, though.

Crop circles were made with a farmer, a lawnmower, a stick, and a ball of twine. Or something.

UFO's. Aliens and crop circles

Post 44


What about red laser beams?

UFO's. Aliens and crop circles

Post 45


Sorry, CR, you've lost me there.

What about red laser beams?

smiley - huh

UFO's. Aliens and crop circles

Post 46


could there be aliens its the million dollar question we probably wont know in our lifetimes

UFO's. Aliens and crop circles

Post 47


Or they could already be living amongst us.

UFO's. Aliens and crop circles

Post 48


I was shot at by red laser beams last August.

UFO's. Aliens and crop circles

Post 49


It gave me a fright.
It has happened to me twice. The first time I thought it was kids messing about. The second time I don't think it can have been.

I've also experienced an orange shield, but I think that was one of my minerals preventing me from going somewhere (for that time being) it's safe to go there now.

smiley - smiley

UFO's. Aliens and crop circles

Post 50


If You Look t Some Peeps They Probably i see plenty of people around that im very sceptocal about look at mr bush sorry americans

UFO's. Aliens and crop circles

Post 51

Reality Manipulator

I have heard rumours that the war in Iraq was not anything to do with oil but the USA had found a Stargate there and wanted control of it.smiley - weird

Also I have heard that there are rumours that Stargate Command tv programme is based on real events and the USA are in control of two Stargates at NORAD and the antartic.smiley - weird

UFO's. Aliens and crop circles

Post 52

Reality Manipulator

I have even heard suggestions that President Bush has goauld iside of him.smiley - weird

UFO's. Aliens and crop circles

Post 53


smiley - starHave you heard about the 'steam iron' UFO that hovered above Loch Ness? No one saw the Loch Ness monster at the same time....

Waitaminute! Maybe Nessie's an ALIEN! The UFO was probably, & invisibly, sending her supplies.smiley - fullmoon

UFO's. Aliens and crop circles

Post 54


George w Bush is the worst threat a psychotic idiot with nuclear weapons

UFO's. Aliens and crop circles

Post 55


Luckily he cant work out what the red button is unlucily he might need room service

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