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UFO's. Aliens and crop circles

Post 1

Reality Manipulator

I have been trying to be as open-minded about UFO's, aliens and crop circles and try and find a place where I can get unbiased information on these.

On UFO's, Aliens and Alien abductions: I have heard that explanations ranging from weather balloons, military aircraft, natural pheneomns, catalepsy and sleep paralyse or even interdeminsal. I have been able to find out if there has been any unbiased researcher as those who are against are 100% against and those who are for are 100% and nothing inbetween. It does not help that military are being so secretive about their new developments but I cannot understand whey as the cold war is ended and there seems no other reasons for their secrecy.

UFO's. Aliens and crop circles

Post 2

Reality Manipulator

With Crop circles excluding the ones that are man-made the other theory is that it is either due to weather or another natural pheonom and the other is that they are made from aliens who are trying to communicate with us, telling us that they are doomed? I do not know what to believe.

UFO's. Aliens and crop circles

Post 3

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

I keep an open mind on such subjects.. There must be more than "us" in this vast universe...

UFO's. Aliens and crop circles

Post 4


Isn't it nice to retain a little mystery in life? I posit the theory that crop circles are made by dancing poltergeists.

UFO's. Aliens and crop circles

Post 5

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

Worth a thought... Luv the mystery of life...

UFO's. Aliens and crop circles

Post 6

Reality Manipulator

The paranormal is being more accepted some (who belive in the multi universe theory) astrophysicts, astronomers and cosmologists as they say smiley - ghost are coming from a different dimension and that there are at least 11 parrell dimensions.

UFO's. Aliens and crop circles

Post 7


You ARE being very open minded! I was expecting you to pour scorn on my theory.


P.S. The poltergeists must be dancing some pretty strange stuff, to make it look like alien writing!

UFO's. Aliens and crop circles

Post 8

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

Alex... Was that to Kat, or to me, or to both... smiley - smiley
Hey, you aint seen my hand writing.... smiley - roflsmiley - weird

UFO's. Aliens and crop circles

Post 9


kat,,when my keyboard arrives ill postsmiley - smiley

UFO's. Aliens and crop circles

Post 10

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

Now that will be alien.... smiley - rofl

UFO's. Aliens and crop circles

Post 11


convo bout aliens is an interestin topic !!

UFO's. Aliens and crop circles

Post 12


I was posting to you both. I don't want to exlude anyone from my insane ravings. As for typing without a keyboard, that was very impressive! I have tried posting on hootoo by thought alone myself, but I just got a headache.

UFO's. Aliens and crop circles

Post 13

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

Alex... smiley - laugh Gaz'll give you headache enough.... smiley - biggrin
He knows we luv him really... Bless him.... smiley - cuddle

UFO's. Aliens and crop circles

Post 14


smiley - blush

UFO's. Aliens and crop circles

Post 15


The Marie Celeste. Stonehenge. The Bermuda triangle. The building of the great pyramid. All these mysteries will be explained in my next book.

UFO's. Aliens and crop circles

Post 16


alex,,,,u forgot summat,,,wot about "why did kamakazy pilots wear helmets"??????

UFO's. Aliens and crop circles

Post 17


In case they crashed before they committed suicide?

UFO's. Aliens and crop circles

Post 18


alex,,,,also,,,,why do we sleep at night ??smiley - headhurts

UFO's. Aliens and crop circles

Post 19


That WOULD be embarrassing.

"He died for his country"

"No he didn't, the wheels fell off his plane during take-off, and the silly sod didn't have a helmet on!"

UFO's. Aliens and crop circles

Post 20


We sleep at night because of our mammalian history, which engenders nocturnal sleep. It is better to move about when you can see, and sleep when you are less likely to be seen by hunters.

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