This is the Message Centre for Reality Manipulator

New Job

Post 21

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi kat
i gave you a quick call, to see if you got off ok, as you didnt answer, i take it you are at work,sounds good doesnt it, work, lol.smiley - dragon jim xxx

New Job

Post 22

Reality Manipulator

Hi Jimsmiley - smiley

I am back early and the day went quickly, I have been feely very sleepy and I hope to be better tomorrow. The first thing I did was put my uniform (tunic) in the washing machine and I have another one to wear. I put it on when I get to work.

Usually my day finishes at 6pm and will be back home around 7:30pm onwards.

New Job

Post 23

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi kat
well you have the first under your belt, lets hope you settle in, and the job and travelling dont spoil it for you smiley - dragon jim xx

New Job

Post 24


Hi Kat,
Hope your first day at work went well, I'm sure it did through reading previous msgs. Glad you had a good time and enjoyed yourself hun. Chat soon take care xxx

New Job

Post 25

Reality Manipulator

Hi Miz,

Thank you my first day went well, I have got the travel to a tee. 16 minute walk to bus stop then 45-50 minute bus ride (depending on traffic) and I only have to cross the road to get the bus to work and I do the opposite back. I have got any oyster card for journeys between Romford and Rush Green.

Take care

New Job

Post 26

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi kat
as you said last night,on the phone, the less hours will give you more time to get ajusted to the working again
as long as the credits are made up, you will be a lot better off
even if for a week or so you got two steps forward and one back, its better than standing still.
smiley - dragon jim xxxsmiley - lovexx

New Job

Post 27

Reality Manipulator

Hi Jimsmiley - smiley

I telephoned the RNLI employment solutions organisation today about the visits and about the change in hours. They telephoned me back and was told their was that the employment advisor (Male) that was helping was going to telephone me on Monday but that he and his colleague were called to a meeting. He is on holiday for a week and will be contacting me on Monday.

I am glad that I can use the Oyster card from Romford to South Ockendon, I hope I can use it from South Ockendon.

smiley - cheerssmiley - taKat xx x

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