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Grays State Cinema

Post 1

Reality Manipulator

'Help Save the State Cinema'

The State Cinema in Grays is a Grade II listed building. It has been unused for the past 18 years despite rumours of it returning back to it's former glory days.

The State Cinema could be converted into a multi entertainment venue for various cultural and musical events as well as show classic films.

The website is

Grays State Cinema

Post 2

a visitor to planet earth

This building is very large and going to waste. Maybe it could be use as a hostel for East European immigrants.

Grays State Cinema

Post 3


What, like the rest of Grays?

But seriously, the building is a very grand old cinema, one of the few that boasts a wurlitzer organ that still has the mechanics that make it rise through the stage. It's been derelict for years. Morrisons supermarket owned it and were meant to maintain it, which they didn't, and now have sold it to a private party. Maybe a health and fitness club is the way forward, if the auditorium is preserved?

Grays State Cinema

Post 4

Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream

Oh, come off it Alex, Grays gets the best of everything within Thurrock. It's places like South Ockendon and Tilbury that gets the worst elements of society dumped in them. smiley - winkeye

As for the State, it'll become whatever makes the owners the biggest profit! Nothing to do with what's best for the area, or the community - just profit.

smiley - bluebutterfly

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