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V for Vendetta

Post 1

Reality Manipulator

I have read the background material on the internet and I have seen the previews as well as the Premiere of the Film. It has been a very long time since I have felt this way about a movie. I cannot wait to see it the local cinema.

Here is a link telling you all about the film.

V for Vendetta

Post 2


i had a look at the above link it seem's to be a broken url smiley - ok

V for Vendetta

Post 3

Reality Manipulator

Here are a few more links. I hope that they are better.smiley - biggrin -

V for Vendetta

Post 4


I tried to catch and download, then watch it.... I though I did, then I watched "Aeon Flux" instead of V for Vendetta smiley - rofl

It was fun, but that wasn't what I wanted smiley - wah

Looking forward to watching it smiley - laugh

V for Vendetta

Post 5

Reality Manipulator

smiley - cheerssmiley - taThanks Taeko for the links.smiley - smiley

V for Vendetta

Post 6


Oh my god, Big Ben was explored smiley - yikessmiley - cracker
After 3 times failures (one is Aeon Ultox, then pornsmiley - blush, then I, MADMAN) I finally watch it smiley - laugh
But, but I don't understand smiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wah
Need to watch several times smiley - groan
But I think you'll enjoy this film smiley - biggrin
smiley - hug

V for Vendetta

Post 7


not bad film that mate smiley - smiley

V for Vendetta

Post 8


Yeah smiley - smiley
Just I feel it's strange to see so many people weearing guy folks masks on the film smiley - rofl

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