This is the Message Centre for Norm de p'Loom
Hello Norm de L'Ploom
Bluebottle Started conversation Jul 19, 2002
Hello, welcome to the Guide. I'm called Bluebottle (or Matt ) and I'm just here to say hi, and for a chat mainly. Hope you're enjoying h2g2!
As you're new here, you may find the following useful:
There's a welcome page at: <./>welcome</.>
and the Beach is a great place to meet people: A358797
Hope to see you around
Hello Norm de L'Ploom
Norm de p'Loom Posted Jul 22, 2002
Hi Bluebottle, thanks for dropping in. Haven't had time to unpack anything yet, but who cares. Can't stop now, back later. Hope to chat another time.
Hello Norm de L'Ploom
Bluebottle Posted Jul 22, 2002
Okay, I'll hope to catch you at a more convenient time, then.
But tell me, what do you think of the Guide so far?
Hello Norm de L'Ploom
Norm de p'Loom Posted Jul 23, 2002
Just been to the beach for a swim at lunchtime, but I forgot my towel. Instead, I stood around for a while trying not to be noticed and earwigging. Is it me? Probably.
I feel as if I have wandered into a whole new world, but it is very interesting. I'll just leave this note in your pigeonhole - oops sorry madam - for you to pickup later.
Hello Norm de L'Ploom
Bluebottle Posted Jul 23, 2002
In many ways it is a whole new world, completely unrelated from Real Life (RL), which is its main advantage, but never fear, you can talk about real life if you want to. Its not all about mad men!
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Hello Norm de L'Ploom
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