A Conversation for gold watches
TIMELORD Started conversation Jul 17, 2002
By that do you mean you like girls who wear gold watches or you are a girl who wears a gold watch?
Just droped by to say hello as you are new here if you take the time to write a little something on your user page(it does not have to be much)more people will drop by and say hello you might even get an A.C.E. there assistant community editors who drop by and hello you settle in they tend to leave things like this http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/welcome
you might also like to drop by and read the local newspaper the post http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/classic/thepost but if you need any help in the mean time just reply to this message and i will do my best.
Hiya doin Timelord
scartcable Posted Jul 18, 2002
I just joined h2g2 last night when I was pretty drunk and really fancied this girl in the pub who was wearing a gold watch.It was rather a stupid question so sorry about that but thanks for the reply.I am kind of new to all of this.I posted a recent message about myself so hopefully that went out.Thanks again for the reply and I'll talk to you soon.
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