A Conversation for DARWIN or STICK

Flea Market: A787881 - DARWIN or STICK

Post 1

Uncivil Servant

Entry: DARWIN or STICK - A787881
Author: Uncivil Servant - U196833

An attempt to disprove Darwins explanation of evolution

A787881 - DARWIN or STICK

Post 2

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

Dear Mister/Missus/Miss/Ms/Master Servant,

May I call you 'Uncivil'?

I found your entry very amusing. smiley - cheers
Some points in particular brought definite audible snorting verging on outright laughter. It got better and better but half my mind was already scheming a plot to share it with many more researchers.

I am at a loss to understand how, if it was written nearly a year ago, it now finds itself in the Flea Market placed there by your own command, but that matters not so much as the prospect of having the entry featured by <./>AggGag</.>/CAC in an upcoming issue of the H2G2 POST smiley - thepost. I make this proposal confident that many would enjoy it even more than I.

I can simply make a copy to which <./>AggGag</.>/CAC can link our readers or I could ask you to promise to never delete this version and we can link to it. In which case I would suggest you might make the opening couple of paragraphs more readable by using the open style of spacing which appears farther down the page.

I would be happier to 'edit' it for you and then a copy of my version would automatically appear on your homepage because you will be credited as the 'writer/researcher' and <./>AggGag</.>/CAC would appear credited as the 'editor'.

Hope I haven't gone against your grain in any way and that you will allow us to share your humour with a wider audience. My next deadline is June 8th for the June 12th issue of smiley - thepost

smiley - biggrin

A787881 - DARWIN or STICK

Post 3

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum


I found your entry very amusing. Some points in particular generated quite audible snorting verging on outright laughter. It got better and better, but my mind was already scheming on how to share this fun with more researchers.

I'd like to make a copy of this for the June 12th issue of the H2G2POST as a featured link from the <./>AggGag</.>/CAC page. My copy, (which would fix some of the spacing problems in the first couple of paragraphs to appear more like the open style you adopted later at the bottom of the page), would automatically appear on your homepage as the 'writer/researcher' with <./>AggGag</.>/CAC credited as 'editor'.

smiley - peacedove

A787881 - DARWIN or STICK

Post 4

Uncivil Servant

No problem at all with you doing the laborious task of editing this for me. As a seasoned civil servant I am always on the lookout to delegate!! Many thanks for the offer...
As for the delay in sending - unfortuantly, after I initially wrote the piece I saved it onto the harddrive at work, then suprise suprise, I was promoted and moved to a different area. (Don't think there was any connection with the 2 events) I could no longer access my lifetime of work !!! However, through bribery, corruption and threats of violence to junior colleagues I was finally reunited with the piece. Once again, many thanks for any help. U.S.

A787881 - DARWIN or STICK

Post 5


I'd like to propose Back to Entry - I don't believe people are descended from sticks, not even Twiggy.
Very amusing article, though, if not Edited Guide material. I hope it made it into <./>AggGag</.> or smiley - thepost.


A787881 - DARWIN or STICK

Post 6

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

smiley - laugh
I happened upon this entry just now
in some old links I had to possible
AggGagCacC uses.

But I could not recall if it ever got
included - nor could I clearly recall
reading it all before - just that I had
preserved a link to it. Reading it now I
discover your latest post in this thread.

It does bring about some smiles and causes
the imagination to stretch pleasantly. It
might be worthy of seeing in smiley - thepost
after a bit of structural revision.

I'll bring it to Dmitri's attention.
smiley - cheers

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